Problems establishing imported database connection in localhost
My issue: Good old “Error establishing connection” when connecting to my wordpress site through my localhost while connecting to a newly imported database.
What I did:
I exported a copy of my database from my old computers localhost.
I downloaded InstantWP and installed a default WordPress setup
I created a new database called “kalevkuus” through mySqladmin.
I imported the database to kalevkuus through mysqladmin
I changed wp-config to change the database name from default(“wordpress”) to new one “kalevkuus”. The username and passwords are correct – quadruple checked
When connecting I get the “Error establishing connection”
If I change the DB name to default “wordpress” ( which is also listed in my mysqladmi ) it connects and shows the page.What I’ve tried
Added the define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true); and ran the repair. Outcome is The wp_users table is okay. Failed to optimize the wp_users table. Error: Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead Same for (wp_) user,usermeta, posts,comments,links, options, postmeta,terms, term_taxonomy, term_relationship, term_meta, commentmeta.
Created the php connection test file.$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password);
// Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die(“Connection failed: ” . $conn->connect_error); } echo “Connected successfully”; ?>
Outcome is “Connection successful”.
So my guess is that something is wrong with the tables in my database but I have no idea how to confirm it.
Can someone help me to fix this issue?
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