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  • Samuel B


    I get the following error when trying to validate my rss feed :
    line 16, column 16: lastBuildDate must be an RFC-822 date-time:
    Since my website is a resort employment site I added the isl-page-rss plugin to make my static pages feeds.
    Which page in WordPress to edit (line 16, column 16: lastBuildDate must be an RFC-822 date-time:)

    Thanking you in advance

    I am having the same error and having difficulty finding the solution.
    Any advice is appreciated.

    I had the same pronlem and the /index.php/feeds did the trick. But I however see an issue on CommentLuv. My commentluv complains that the XML has an error. I checked my feed — via and It is valid per both. The error message in CommemntLuv is as below :

    undefinedcURL said – XML error: > required at line 14, column 26

    Apart from CommentLuv a few friends had issues with using the feed. A blogger site pulled up an article from a year ago as the latest…

    Can someone please help !!


    having same problem, when i’m starting to learn how to burn my feed to and i thought fix-rss-feed plugins can fix it.

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