• I am looking to see if someone can help me hide a particular category from my templates nav bar. My problem is that this particular category and its name seems to be coded into my theme, so I can’t just delete it from the categories section.

    I found what I think is the coding for this in the heade.php.

    wp_page_menu('show_home=1&sort_column=menu_order, post_title&link_before=<span><span>&link_after=</span></span>&depth=1');
    						<div class="menu">
    										<li class="page_item category-news">
    											<a href="?cat=9">News</a>

    Being that I am NOT a coder and don’t want to break the entire site, any suggestions on how I can exclude this cat_9 listed as news? I just want it gone…any help is appreciated.

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