• i have problem with 2.7.1 while having large page it just not saving, and i get a blank editor after saving (no text).
    need help!
    thank you
    moshe ovadia

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  • No limit on page size



    I have the same problem in wordpress 2.8.4 and I can tell you that I m sure that the wordpress page have a limit of caracters becouse if I put less caracters everythings work fine but when I put more caracaters I recive the same blank editor page like “ovedmo”

    Any body know where is this limit to change it and to make biggest the limit of caracaters? Thanks!

    According to the searches I did there is no character or size limit for pages. Maybe there is something else causing this issue.



    something else? maybe.. hmm.. but what?

    From what I can recall, the relevant db field can store millions of characters, so it’s not the db. Do your page revisions store Ok?

    I’m having this same issue but considered the possibility it could be a different problem. We distribute a weekly newsletter and 2 of them were extra large, one on swine flu, one on universal health care. I push “publish” or “update page” and it returns a completely blank page with only my title.

    I just had the same problem. I wanted to list a music collection with 4000 albums, just a simple list with artist, album and year. I made a simple html table in dreamweaver and copied it into the html editor. The page published fine, but when I went to edit it the editor field was gone… Ideas as to why?

    Ok, sorry I missed this thread when I was searching on this… They have talked about the same problem and offered up a fix, but I do not know “where” to put the fix Otto suggests… if I put it on the very top of the wp-config doc the code string shows up as text on the website… I am not good at php… ideas?

    Otto42: Quick fix: Add this to your wp-config.php (at the top):

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