• jbondi


    Every time I make a new link and want it to go under a certain link category, it always goes to the category called “Blogroll” and I can not change it.
    It was no problem but then all of a sudden it did not work anymore. I did not do any changes, just making some pages and wanted them to appear under certain link categories as I had done before, but now I can’t.
    Can anybody help me?

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  • tonya-plank


    I am having the same exact problem. I don’t know how to fix it.




    This may require changing a line of code on your site.

    Hi – Are these in your sidebar? Then open file sidebar.php from your theme folder /wp-content/themes/{themename}

    look for a line like this

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks('categorize=0&category=2&before=<span>&after=</span>&show_images=1&show_description=0&orderby=url'); ?>

    It will not look exactly like this one but it will start with wp_list_bookmarks. In the line above,the zero after categorize is what causes the link categories to be ignored. If its changed to a 1 the categories will appear. It doesn’t matter where in the list categorize appears, wherever it is, change the 0 to a 1, save, and refresh your browser screen. That should do it.

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