• I’ve just noticed that my list of sites (Blogroll) widget has vanished. It was called Links but is now nowhere to be found. Have I missed something?

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  • The Links widget is still part of WordPress core. Have you checked in Appearance -> Widgets in case it’s been knocked off the sidebar? Have you changed themes recently?

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Yes I finally found Simple Links but all the links I had stored have vanished! And yes, I recently moved back to theme P2 but the list of links I had compiled has gone, I assumed at some point when I updated WP. Also, there was no replacement for what used be caled the Blogroll, so I had to download it and start recompiling links. Grrh!

    Widgets & their data are stored on a “per theme” basis, so when you switch themes, you have to add your widgets back in again and re-populate them.

    Thread Starter William Bowles


    Yes, just discovered that. It’s such a long time since I’d used this function but at least Simple Links allows me to import all the old links.



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