• Michael Bourne


    Hey there,

    Just curious about the flow of Express Checkout. I have everything set up and working.

    When a customer selects PayPal Express on checkout (listed as a standard payment option, not a button), the site forwards them to PayPal. When they complete the payment on PayPal, the browser redirects back to the checkout page with a “cancel order” and “confirm order” button. If they don’t hit the confirm order, it doesn’t process the payment.

    is there any way to have the PayPal billing screen simply capture automatically and forward the user to the thank you page? (Thats how it works on the Woocommerce PayPal Express plugin).

    I have a T&C active on checkout, fyi.

    Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter Michael Bourne


    As a follow up, when I enable the Express Checkout on single product pages, I get one of two errors:

    1) When logged in, the pop up opens and redirects to the cart page with a Woocommerce notice saying “your order amount is zero, We were unable to process your order, please try again.”

    2) When incognito, the pop up opens and redirects to cart, with the general cart message of “Your cart is empty”

    This is with “In Context” enabled. Toggling the option “Prevent Adding Extra Item” Seems to have no effect on the above outcomes.

    Thread Starter Michael Bourne


    As a second follow up, I had this issue with the PayPal Express checkout button on the cart/checkout page:

    – Customer clicks Express Checkout button. Window opens. Log in to paypal, authorize charge. Window closes, site refreshes empty checkout page. No order is made, no payment is captured.
    – I also noticed the order total on the paypal popup was for just the items, and not shipping charges. Is there some way to grab shipping charges (using the USPS Woocommerce plugin) in an express checkout work flow?

    Thank you

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    Hi Michael,

    The primary purpose of “Express” checkout is that buyers can quickly checkout without filling out forms. For example, if they click the PayPal button directly from the product page or cart page on your site then we wouldn’t know their shipping address until they’re returned from PayPal. At that point the review page is displayed where it would show shipping/tax calculations and options based on the address returned from the PayPal account.

    There is an option in our plugin to Skip Final Review, and this would send you straight to the order complete page instead of using that additional review, however, you would be forced to send buyers through the WC checkout if you’re doing that with items that need to be shipped. This would sort of defeat one of the purposes of Express Checkout, which again is to skip forms.

    I would make sure to leave the option for “Prevent Adding Extra Item” disabled. Very few people want it that way.

    We’re just about to release a 1.4.8 update that adds the Smart Buttons feature that PayPal now has, so that will change the In Context flow and the way the buttons look and function a little bit. You might like it better. For now, though, if you’re having issues with empty carts that sounds like a caching / CDN problem. Are you using any services like that you could disable temporarily to see if it resolves the issue?

    Plugin Contributor angelleyesupport


    In addition to that.

    If you have in-context enabled along with terms and conditions enabled and use Express Checkout (EC) from product page then the order review will still come back as Terms and conditions need to be accepted.
    But we have given an option in our EC settings to Skip final Review, when you will click on that then an other option show which will ask you to disable terms and conditions. So now with EC button you will not see order review page instead you will be taken back to Thank you page.

    1- This makes me believe that you card have some items in it and you applied some coupon to make the total as 0 which may have triggered that error. Is that so? Although this is not the expected behaviour as when cart amount is 0, the EC button is automaticaly hidden. Please provide some more infromation on this.

    2- In in-congnito if you dont have any items in card then this wil l be the expected behaviour.

    If no payments are being captured then this should be something related to cache in general. Are you on wp-engine…? or using any cache plugins. If you may clear ghat and then check again.

    In case of EC and in-context when the popup open and takes you to payment screen, you pay and comes to order review page then shipping are applied there. But after reading your above coments you want to disable order review then that will complete kill the purpose of Express Checkout , as its slogan is Skip the forms and pay faster with PayPal!….


    Thread Starter Michael Bourne


    Really appreciate your follow up.

    In regard to PayPal Express, you mention its main purpose if for skipping the forms. To be honest, we started using it (official Woo plugin) on the site last year because 1) it worked better with payment status updates from PP, and 2) it handled refunds.

    I switched to your plugin because you address the UTM override problem that the official plugin has, where our GA shows PayPal as our #1 ecom referrer.

    Since, in my case, I NEED users to fill out the checkout form for accurate shipping quotes, would moving away from Express be a smart decision? I know little about Pro, and my experience with the standard method in the past wasn’t the greatest.

    Thanks again for your support ??

    Plugin Contributor angelleyesupport


    @michaelbourne, Well, using EC with review page enabled will do the same thing for you, for example , if the client is went to paypal, did a login, hit pay now and that returned user to order review.If you have shipping enabled then user will be filling shipping details there and your shipping chanrges calculations happen then. Once user done with that and hit confirm button then the payment is captured.

    But if you still want to use the regulargateway list that is fine again.
    let me know if you need any further assistance.

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