It is clever to make it so that the auto generated user albums are all sub-albums of one ‘master’ album.
If you have set Table 0 item 4 to ‘yes’ the abum Members is created and set as this parent album. Maybe you removed this album.
Do either one of the following 2 options:
– set Table 0-4 to ‘no’ and to ‘yes’ again, to re-create the Members album. This also sets this album as being selected in Table IX-D11.1
– select an existing album to be used as parent album in Table IX-D11.1
If you do not like the album name: Members, just edit it to whatever you want. Wppa uses the album id to find it, not the name.
If you like a different name for the user albums, select something else in Table IX-D10 and/or allow the users to edit name and description in Table VII-B1.1