Set target=”_blank” on links – open links in new tab
I couldn’t find any option to open slider banner links in a new tab/window so I have modified my site’s local code as follows:
in the “responsive_headerimageslider.php” file, under the array “extract(shortcode_atts….”
I have added the line:
“target_blank” => ”,
And then set that as:
if( $target_blank ) {
$target_blank = ” target=’_blank’ “;
}Then in the “design” files echo out the var $target_blank:
a href=”<?php echo $sliderurl; ?>” <?php echo $target_blank ?> class=”image-link” > </a
Finally, when calling the slider just add the attribute target_blank=”true” where you want it:
echo do_shortcode(‘[sp_responsiveslider cat_id=”6″ speed=”5000″ autoplay_interval=”5000″ target_blank=”true”]’);
Hope this helps!
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