Most likely you need to change a parameter on the line of code that displays the items on your Nav line.
If its a horizontal Nav bar, that code is most likely in header.php in your theme folder.
The line that needs changing contains the phrase wp_list_pages()
There is usually other text in between the parentheses.
If it looks like this wp_list_pages()
then change it to this
If there already are other items in between the parentheses then add this to the beginning of the list, starting here: ‘wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&{leave the rest of what is already on the line here}’
(If there is already a “sort_column=” on that line, then change what is on the right side of the equal sign from whatever it is to menu_order
In other words, insert sort_column=menu_order
between the first apostrophe (it could be a double quote instead of an apostrophe) and the text that is already after the apostrophe. The ampersand is a separating character that goes between the settings the program is telling wp_list_pages to use.
Save that, and you should be OK. Most themes do use wp_list_pages, but not all. If yours does not, post that back here and someone will help you with what you have.