Did you receive this email (‘I received this email: Password Lost and Changed for user: admin’) six months ago when the blog was set up or recently, say in the last few days. Its a little hard to tell from the way you phrased things. If the latter, it sounds like someone hijacked the site. If the former– that is, if the email you mention is six months old– did you log in to the site after you got the email? If not, that may be your problem. Those ‘changed password’ emails, I’m pretty sure, are connected to time sensitive temporary password strings that have certainly expired by now. Have you tried using the built in ‘lost your password’ feature?
If the problem isn’t solved at this point, can you still get into the database via the backend provided by your webhost? This should be a different username/password than the WP ones. If you can’t get into the webhost backend the only people who can help is the webhost’s tech support staff. If you can get in export everything. Also download all of the files from the server using FTP or whatever file manager the webhost provides. You probably won’t be re-uploading these but its good to have copies anyway.
Now, login to the database and browse the wp_users table. Hopefully you have access to some GUI like phpMyAdmin so this will be easy. Search for the admin username (user_login) and read off the row returned. There should be an email address. If that address isn’t familiar to you then you might have been hijacked. The password is encrypted so you won’t be able to read it. If the email address is yours you should be able to recover your password without much trouble using WP’s built in ‘lost your password’ feature. Actually, you might be able to manually edit that email address and then use the ‘lost your password’ feature. But if someone got in once they may well be able to do it again.