• mkukuc


    I received the following email when my blog was setup (someone did it for me over 6 mos. ago.) The following is my blog:


    However, the log in information not longer works. I received this email: Password Lost and Changed for user: admin

    How do I go about being able to access the blog?

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Did you receive this email (‘I received this email: Password Lost and Changed for user: admin’) six months ago when the blog was set up or recently, say in the last few days. Its a little hard to tell from the way you phrased things. If the latter, it sounds like someone hijacked the site. If the former– that is, if the email you mention is six months old– did you log in to the site after you got the email? If not, that may be your problem. Those ‘changed password’ emails, I’m pretty sure, are connected to time sensitive temporary password strings that have certainly expired by now. Have you tried using the built in ‘lost your password’ feature?

    If the problem isn’t solved at this point, can you still get into the database via the backend provided by your webhost? This should be a different username/password than the WP ones. If you can’t get into the webhost backend the only people who can help is the webhost’s tech support staff. If you can get in export everything. Also download all of the files from the server using FTP or whatever file manager the webhost provides. You probably won’t be re-uploading these but its good to have copies anyway.

    Now, login to the database and browse the wp_users table. Hopefully you have access to some GUI like phpMyAdmin so this will be easy. Search for the admin username (user_login) and read off the row returned. There should be an email address. If that address isn’t familiar to you then you might have been hijacked. The password is encrypted so you won’t be able to read it. If the email address is yours you should be able to recover your password without much trouble using WP’s built in ‘lost your password’ feature. Actually, you might be able to manually edit that email address and then use the ‘lost your password’ feature. But if someone got in once they may well be able to do it again.

    Also, if you are using an older version of WP you might be running into a bug in the password reset system.

    Thread Starter mkukuc


    Thanks so much for your help. The original email that I got about my blog (when it was created) was July 10, 2008, the “Lost Password/Changed Password” email I received on July 31, 2008.

    So you are right, it must have been the temporary password that expired.

    I did go into the phpmyadmin site and checked that my email is on there…so it was not hijacked. But when I try to get a login through WPs recovery, it does not recognize the email. Any advice? I had sometone else do this for me so I’m very new at this and still don’t understand all that much.

    Thanks so much for your help!



    Thread Starter mkukuc



    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU soooo much for your help. I figured this out. I did go through the phpMyAdmin site and realized what the problem was and why the recovery did not work. The person that set this up for me put their email in it and not mine.

    I went it and did change it manually and then was able to retrieve it. Thanks so much. I really, really appreciate it.

    Have an awesome day!

    Figaro…thanks also for taking the time to help! ??

    Is there any way people can hack or reset the admin password. I have setup the wordpress jiltin.com sometime two months before and reset my custom password through back-end update sql with md5(two months before).I was able to login and function fine. Suddenly,yesterday at 5:34 AM PST (by that time I was sleeping) the password is reset and I got email. I have 2.8 version of wordpress. Is it automatically reset by wordpress or someone else tried to hack and reset the admin password and left it reset? I could fix the issue with back-end mysql linux access immediately. I would like to know this is a bug or hack on my system or hack trial to my system. Is there any plugin to trace the reset or login trace with wordpress?

    My username and password to enter the dashboard is usually saved on my computer, though today it said invalid and so I entered it again and it still didn’t work.

    I asked for a new one to be sent to my email and it didn’t work… I received nothing. I can’t access the dashboard at all. Can anyone help me?

    Moderator cubecolour


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