Hi there,
Please note that we address all free support in 3-5 business days (anywhere from 3-9 calendar days) in first in, first out order. If you re-comment on your thread, you will push your free support request back in the queue. You can avoid this issue with Priority Support at calderaforms.com/support when you have a time sensitive question, which has a 1 business day turnaround.
To your question – your code snippet looks right so something else may be wrong with your template file. It’s hard for us to say without access to your entire file. I would be mindful of the following —
– Your code needs to be within the body of the template file.
– Do you have any custom code in your form that could be creating a conflict?
– Do you have any custom code on another part of the template that could be creating a conflict?
Make sure you take a look at this page: https://calderaforms.com/doc/adding-using-caldera_forms_render_form/ Feel free to reply with more information, we’ll be happy to take another look.