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Contact Form to Any API
Contact form 7 to Any API is most powerful plugin to send CF7 data to any third party services. It can be use to send data to CRM or any REST API.
Ce plugin permet aux recruteurs de la plateforme jobs_that_makesense d'afficher leurs offres d'emploi et de permettre aux visiteurs de leur …
Hagakure – Yet Another Error Reporter
A WordPress plugin to clarify meaningless errors like "Allowed memory size of xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted".
Connect WPForm to Any API
WPForm to Any API is most powerful plugin to send WPForm data to any third party services. It can be use to send data to CRM or any REST API.
WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, Phone call… capture users through their favorite Apps and turn into clients
GA Google Analytics – Connect Google Analytics to WordPress
Adds Google Analytics 4 tracking code to your WordPress site. Supports many tracking features.
Floating Action Button
Display the beautiful FAB (Floating Action Button) on your WordPress front-end.
FG Joomla to WordPress
A plugin to migrate categories, posts, tags, images and other medias from Joomla to WordPress
Analytics Cat – Google Analytics Made Easy
Analytics Cat – Google Analytics Lets You Add Your Google Analytics / Universal Analytics Tracking Code To Your Site With Ease.
XML Sitemap & Google News
XML and Google News Sitemaps to feed the hungry spiders. Multisite, WP Super Cache, Polylang and WPML compatible.
FG Drupal to WordPress
A plugin to migrate articles, stories, pages, categories, tags, images from Drupal to WordPress
Advanced Google Universal Analytics
Enter the tracking code for google analytics universal, in your wordpress site by simply putting your ID in the settings. You can also choose which r …
Jfa Social Media Post
This WordPress plugin allows you to retrieve a specific Instagram post and consume it via the REST API.
Datalayer for WooCommerce FREE
The Data Layer is an object that makes available in real time the information that is executed by users while browsing the WooCommerce Store.
Cookieless Privacy-Focused Google Analytics
Enables Google Analytics without setting cookies or storing any data in the browser. Asking for user consent in the frontend should not be necessary.