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WPCargo is a WordPress plug-in designed to provide ideal technology solution for your freight forwarding, transportation & logistics operations. Whether you are an exporter, freight forwarder, importer, supplier, customs broker, overseas agent, or warehouse operator, WPCargo helps you increase the visibility, efficiency, and quality services of your cargo and shipment business. WPCargo is developed by a website and design agency in Iloilo City Philippines.
WPCargo helps manage operations, customers, drivers, quotation, form, branch, and employees. The latest version is flexible that can be used and utilised as transport management, project management or other status tracking management system.
Core Plugin Features
- Shipment Track Form
- Multiple Shipment Tracking
- Manage Shipment
- Shipment Settings
- Search & Sorting of Shipment List
- Client Email Notification
- Admin Email Notification
- Auto Generate Tracking Number
- Client Account – shortcode for user created shipment
- My Shipment – shortcode for all shipment assigned to the user or created by the user
- Multilingual Support
- Support Barcode
- Shipment History – track location , date and status of the cargo
- Print Label
- Generate Report
- Multiple Packages
- Google Map
Premium Features
- Fully customizable form fields – Manage custom fields
- Add Signature in custom field manager
- SMS Notification -One Way SMS,Twilio, BULK SMS, BESTSMS.EU, SMS GATEWAY HUB, WEBSMS.GR, SmsGateWay24 , African Talk
- Advance SMS Notification -Multiple status has its own settings and sms gateway settings. One Way SMS,Twilio, BULK SMS, BESTSMS.EU, SMS GATEWAY HUB, WEBSMS.GR, SmsGateWay24 , African Talk
- User Front-end Manager – Allow User to Manage there shipment in front end
- Advance Email Notification– Allow admin to manage different notification in every statuses.
- CSV Import/Export – Import and export shipment in csv
- Address Book – Allow user, employee and admin to manage thier own addressbook
- Proof of Delivery – allow driver or delivery to sign by reciever and add images as a proof that the cargo has been delivered
- Integration – sync the shipment created in your WPCargo website to Detrack
- [Freightcom Integration] – sync the shipment created in your WPCargo website to
- Branch Manager – Assign user in a branch and restrict the shipment display in WPCargo Front-end Manager per branch
- Shipment Container – allow shipment to assign or group in container
- Multi Receiver
- Request Quotes with Woocommerce integration
- Woocommerce Order Tracking Integration – Create WPCargo Shipment in every Woocommerce Order
- [WPCargo API WooCommerce Order Tracking] – Allow other Woocommerce website sync to your WPCargo website
- Shipment Consolidation – Allow your customer to consolidate their shipment in one package in your warehouse
- Shipping Rates with Woocommerce integration – Display rate and shipment costing per zone and weight and allow user to pay online using Woocommerce checkout – parcel2go clone
- [Postcode Rate] – Generate rates per pallet, zone and postcode
- Distance Rate – Generate rates for multiple destination
- Delivery Truck Calculator – Delivery Vehicle Rate Management Addons– Display rates per distance of the origin and destinations and enable users to book
- Barcode Reader Status Update – Create Shipment, Update status of your shipment or assignchipment to driver or customer by scanning it using barcode scanner device
- Service API – integrate your site to other system using API endpoints
- Front End User Manager Addons – Add, Edit, Delete Users and access in front end manager, access permissions,
assigned default employee or driver to manage the shipment - WPCargo Merchant Add on – Allow store owner to import the list of deliveries to the system
- WPCargo Invoice Addon – Automatic invoice generated once the shipment created .
- WPCargo Advance Invoice Addon – Manually Invoice shipment or group of shipment into one invoice
- WPCargo Viber Notification Addons – Bot that gives shippment status using Viber
- WPCargo Whatsapp Bot and Notification Addon – Bot that allow track shipment and send notification through Whatsapp Application.
- WPCargo Baidu Map Integration – Allow Baidu map to integrate in WPCargo pages instead of Google map.
- Delivery of Empty Box and Pick up Balikbayan Box System – Balikbayan Box Management Addon is designed to provide an automated solution for your balikbayan box operators.
- WPCargo Customer Support Ticket System– allow user to create ticket & claims to their shipments
- Driver Mobile App – Android & IOS app use to gather photo and signature of the receiver and update the shipment status
- Customer Mobile App – Android & IOS app use to gather allow your customer to track in their phone
Contact Skype: arni.cinco
- fixed in_array issue in general settings
- added filter hook to allow merge tag conditions
- Added remarks in email notification
- Fix issue in php 8.1
- Added QR code generator
- fix post_exist to be run in public
- remove unwanted code
- use codex post_exist and remove long query
- add functions to check file_gets_content
- fixed deprecated functions and warnings
- Hook to allow branch for multi prefix and suffix
- Fix issue hook undefine $view
- Fix update issue and setting menu order
- Fix PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘post_content’
- Add hopok for extra email notification
- Fixed WP_MAIL attachement
- Fixed depreciated code php8.2 compatibility
- Added Multiple Tracking Form
- Fixed Print Track Label
- Fix issue in Invoice , Parcel Quote, & Shipping rate Addons
- Fix issue in PHP version 8.1 and 8.2
- Remove “Shipping Cost” and “Cost” on multiple package fields because of backward compatibility issue
- Added “Shipping Cost” and “Cost” on multiple package fields
- Removed agent() in WPcargo Class – slow queries
- Fixed issue – error in exporting shipment reports
- Check if Google map api is set
- Added additional language translation Bahasa Indonesia
- fixed issue – Function WP_User_Query::query was called incorrectly. User queries should not be run before the plugins_loaded hook.
- Added current shipment status as class in the frontend trackform.
- Add additional filter hook “wpcargo_is_title_exist_sql” to customize shipment number checker SQL statement
- Fixed Error on array value in string replace for the email notification
- Update wpcargo_can_track_shipment function to accept either POST or GET super global variable value for tracking shipment
- Fixed compatibility issue with wordpress 6.1 version
- Added Esti translation
- Add additional filter hook “wpcargo_is_title_exist_sql” to customize shipment number checker SQL statement
- Fixed Error on array value in string replace for the email notification
- Update wpcargo_can_track_shipment function to accept either POST or GET super global variable value for tracking shipment
- Fixed email notification in bulk updates not working.
- Add QRCode functionality.
- Add new filter hook “wpcargo_qrcode_enable” to enable QRcode functionality.
- Fixed track form shortcode redirection action URL error.
- Add filter for admin and frontend template customization.
- Add filter “wpcargo_client_mail_notification_message” and “wpcargo_admin_mail_notification_message” for email notification message.
- Add hook “wpcargo_after_client_mail_notification” and “wpcargo_after_admin_mail_notification” after email notification.
- Add hook “wpcargo_after_track_header”, “wpcargo_after_track_shipper_data” and “wpcargo_after_track_receiver_data” track result template.
- Add filter hook “wpcargo_locate_template_{$file_slug}” for template customization.
- Add total volume and weight package information in invoice print template.
- Update email notification template.
- Fixed email notification template in mobile display.
- Add new filter hooks “wpcargo_shortcode_meta_value” for the shortcode custom meta value.
- Fixed package calculation decimal point with auto detect number of decimal place to display.
- Fixed package and shipment history data deleted after submission when array value has quote characters.
- Fixed track result no display for labels.
- Fixed “All in One SEO” plugin compatibility, NO result display when track form is submitted.
- Added new filter hook wpcargo_client_email_attachments to add attachment to the email notification.
- Added new settings for the Restrict Duplicate Shipment Number.
- Fixed email notification NOT sending error on the wp-admin bulk update.
- Fixed Frontend Manager Add on dashboard report compatibility error on single and bulk update shipment in wp-admin page.
- Fixed SMS add on compatibility on bulk updates notification.
- Fixed email notification when shipment assigned shipper is NOT registered.
- Update plugin language translation files
- Added filter hook for assign shipment email body content.
- Fixed email shortcode meta “{wpcreg_client_email}” for Registered Client Email mapping error, data not matched.
- Fixed action hook parameter missing on “wpcargo_after_package_row”
- Fixed email shortcode meta “{wpcreg_client_email}” for Registered Client Email.
- Update plugin language translation files.
- Introduce new filter “wpcargo_barcode_type” to alter barcode type
- Introduce new filter “wpcargo_barcode_size” to alter barcode size
- Add new default email shortcode meta “{wpcreg_client_email}” for Registered Client Email.
- Added filter hook for email notification recipients.
- Added filter hook in exporting shipments meta_query.
- Enabled to override export form template.
- Fixed – Shipment History Map marker order sequence.
- Enhancement – Allow to focus map view to the last address.
- Enhancement – Add new Map Icon for the last address.
- Added setting for barcode size and hook.
- Fixed Google Map history order.
- Additional hooks for shipments’ table actions.
- Remove Print Waybill text when generating AWB pdf.
Notify register client when status is update.
Additional hooks for custom scripts on Google map and Google autocomplete.
- Fixed field labels with apostrophes.
- Fixed jQuery .live function script error
Update track result template and add Print Invoice functionality
Fixed some static text that are not translatable.
Update time format to H:i a.
Update for the shortcode to be called twice in a single page.
Added translation: Dutch.
- Update function of multiple package when dimension is disabled.
Fixed error on exporting reports.
Added translation: Chinese(Simplified, China), Hebrew, Macedonian.
Fixed Print Invoice template on mobile device.
Fixed RTL display.
Fixed Print Invoice packages template on mobile device.
Display packages data only when enable in invoice template.
- Fixed error function get_fields_data() undefined in print invoice.
- Fixed error undefined is_plugin_active function when Frontend Manager add on is deactivated.
Add new settings for the print font family and size.
Update the print invoice template.
Fixed shipment history error during add new shipment.
Fixed error in shipment history display when data is not an array.
Fixed setting metakey error when the array key not exist.
Fixed shipment view templates pop up for wpcargo shortcode theme compatibility.
Fixed dimension error for the volume weight calculation.
Add new settings for the Dimension Divisor for both centimeter and inch metric unit.
Update the print invoice template to be able to make it customizable through theme.
Fixed track result header template display layout.
Fixed export shipment error functiona undefined.
Fixed export data display for Arabic, Cyrillic and Chinese characters.
Fixed export shipment data label mapping error.
Change the Print label text into waybill.
Allow the print waybill template to be customize in themes/theme-name/wpcargo/ directory name under waybill.tpl.php file
- Fixed settings Display Shipment History in Invoice not working.
Fixed error Google Map Marker upload logo not working.
Fixed error {location} not working in email notification not working.
Fixed memory size exhausted.
Add filter for the shipment prefix and suffix.
Fixed local time issue.
- Fixed error of [wpcargo_account] shortcode
- Fixed error of responsive table in history section of track results
- Updated function used to override frontend templates for child theme
Fixed shipment history error undefined index
Remove user meta for the wpcargo user information (Depreciated)
Fixed error on local time
Fixed error of undefined index in shipment results template
- Fixed translations of the following languages: Arabic, Italian, French(France), French(Canada), Spanish, Russian, Romanian
Fixed shipment status settings not showing when custom field add on installed and activated
Add Registered Shipper filter for reports
Fixed error google autocomplete when no API is found
Fixed the assign employee meta key based on the frontent end manager meta key for the assign employee
Add auto search for the report page
Fixed date data undefined to other language
Fixed Color Picker script error on add new page
Update email footer devider to be removable through hook
Fixed error of Russian translation of WPCargo menu on wp-admin
Add Italian language translation
Add class attribute in the shipment history table row and data
Add class attribute in the packages table row and data
Fixed error on removing shipment history.
Updated wpcargo_field_generator function to include checkbox and radio button type with array as option
Fixed invoice layout
- Updated array format of getting meta data for reports fields.
Fixed error on reports features when WPCargo Custom Field Add-ons is activated
Fixed error on search form and results when WPCargo Custom Field Add-ons is activated
Additional hook to add setting option for disabling emails when branch manager and pod is installed
Updated wpcargo_field_generator to identify required fields
Add translation for Russian language
Fix translation of French(France) language
- Add translation for French(France) language
Fix error in reports form.
Add translation for Arabic and Spanish(Spain) language
- Fixed error of saving status when status field is empty.
Adjust width of dimensions in package table
Fixed error on after package data shows even multiple package is disabled
Update description for package table to textarea
Use wpcargo fullname …
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- How can I add the Pages for Track Form and Track Result?
First thing to do is to create a pages and setup the Track Form and Track Result under the WPCargo Settings->Page Settings
- How can I add options on each fields?
In WPCargo Settings Page add the option that you needed on each fields.(New line on each option)
Example on Add Shipment Status section:
- How to add an Agent?
Add a new user and change the role into “Agent”.
- What is the shortcode to use?
Single Page with results:[wpcargo_trackform]
2 Page with results:
[wpcargo_trackform id=page id of results]
[wpcargo_account] or [wpc-ca-account]
Contributors & Developers
“WPCargo Track & Trace” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Contributors“WPCargo Track & Trace” has been translated into 3 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “WPCargo Track & Trace” into your language.
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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.