WP Media Stories is a little different to other galleries. Yes, you can add photos but the goal is to turn your photos to stories. Add photos, title and desription and let your viewers, read as the watch. Build an SEO rich photo gallery or use WP Media Stories for your media site.
- Sortable Images
- Standalone Gallery View
- Embeddable Galleries
- Custom Lightbox Slideshow
- HTML image captions
- Language Localization ready
Features being worked on
- Copyright/disclaimer field
- Additional caption field
- Widgets and Shortcodes
- Different layouts
- Galleries – Displays a list of media galleries
- Inline – Embed a gallery inside of a post and open the gallery in a popup or on its own page.
Inline Embed
[wp_media_story_inline id="123"]
You can embed a preview of a gallery into posts, pages, widgets or any where that shortcodes are accepted. The shortcode uses the following attributes:
- id – The ID of the gallery
Galleries List
You can embed a preview of a gallery into posts, pages, widgets or any where that shortcodes are accepted. The shortcode uses the following attributes:
- category
- exclude_category
- tags
- exclude_tags
- relation
- number
- show_image
- show_title
- layout
- orderby
- order
- ids
Both the category and tags parameters accept a comma separated list IDs. For example:
[wp_media_story_galleries category="8,15"]
The exclude_category and exclude_tags parameters are used to prevent galleries with specific categories or tags from being displayed. Use a comma separated list of IDs for each.
The order parameter accepts either “DESC” or “ASC”.
The orderby parameter accepts the following options:
- id
- random
- post_date (default)
- title
The number parameter accept a numerical value. Specify the maximum number of categories you want to outputted by the shortcode. For example:
[wp_media_story_galleries number="25"]
The ids parameter accepts specific gallery IDs. You can specify multiple gallery IDs using comma separated values. For example:
[wp_media_story_galleries ids="1,9,15,20,90"]
The layout parameter accepts either grid or list. It will display the galleries in a grid or list. For example:
[wp_media_story_galleries layout="grid"]
[wp_media_story_galleries ids="list"]
The show_image and show_title parameters are used to Show/Hide the image and title. The parameter accepts true or false. For example
[wp_media_story_galleries show_title="false" show_image="true" ]
This plugin provides 1 block.
- WP Media Stories
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
What plugins do I need?
None! The plugin is totally independent.
Where can I place the translation file?
The files can be placed in wp-content/languages/plugins/ with the file name
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Contributors & Developers
“WP Media Stories” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “WP Media Stories” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Revived plugin.
- Maintenance: Made compatible with WordPress 5.9.2
- New: Started work on Gutenberg integration
- Released