This plugin has been closed as of April 26, 2022 and is not available for download. Reason: Security Issue.
August 22, 2021
It would be ideal if they can keep it updated to have better compatibility with future versions of woocommerce and php 8.
July 6, 2020
I was looking for a better way to prevent customers from adding to cart certain products I want them to buy off site without using the “out of stock” status which makes things confusing and give a bad impression, while still showing the price and product info. This plugin is very quick to set up and customizable to fit various needs.
However I noticed the “Add to cart” button was still showing when the product was showcased on the front page (so I just removed it from showcased products).
Je cherchais un moyen pour empêcher les clients d’ajouter au panier certains articles que je souhaite vendre uniquement sur place, sans réservation, tout en laissant active la fiche info et le prix (et sans mettre “hors stock”, qui laisse penser qu’il n’y en a pas même si tout est précisé dans la fiche). Ce plugin est parfait pour ?a et peut complètement être personnalisé pour s’adapter à différents besoins. Après avoir réglé les “settings”, on active l’option dans la fiche produit sous “Données produit” / “Avancé”, c’est très rapide.
January 24, 2020
Everything works for me perfectly. Thanks!
Note to other users: 1) Be sure to go into settings and select the check box to hide the ‘Buy Now’ button, and 2) On each product page you must select the ‘Enable for Upcoming Product’ and choose your ‘Available on’ date in the Advanced tab of product settings.
Having done this, it works flawlessly. Much appreciated!
August 29, 2019
Price is not hidden even if the option is ticked on the plugin page. And, provided there’s inventory, you can still buy the product even if it’s set up as upcoming at a future date. Isn’t the plugin supposed to address these two?? Did I miss something?
On the plus side: nice to have the option to flag the product as upcoming. I circumvented the issues above by deleting price and inventory for the product.
February 1, 2019
Thank you for the time you put into this plugin. I needed an option to hide the price and this plugin was my saving grace.
Jimmy Pautz
February 11, 2018
It shows as “coming soon”, but users can still buy the product.
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“WooCommerce upcoming Products” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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