WooCommerce Loyal Customers, developed by The Right Software, is a WordPress plugin that allows WooCommerce administrators to view the total number of successful orders for each registered customer in a user-friendly format, using intuitive color codes. The plugin also includes robust search and sorting features, making it easy to filter by customer name, email, and date ranges. Failed or pending orders are not counted, ensuring that only completed purchases are reflected.
Compatible with WooCommerce versions from 5.7.0 to 6.2.1.
For more details on WordPress plugin development, visit our plugin development services page.
Explore additional plugins by The Right Software.
For support, contact us at [email protected] and mention your WordPress and WooCommerce versions.
Key Features
- Total Order Count: Track the number of successful orders per registered customer.
- Advanced Search: Filter customers by date range, name, and email.
- Sorting Options: Sort by order count or customer ID in ascending or descending order.
- Visual Indicators: Color-coded customer list for easy identification.
- CSV Download: Export loyal customers’ names and emails as a CSV file.
- Pagination: Enhanced usability for large customer lists.
Planned Features
- Multilingual support.
- Discount offers for loyal customers.
- Customizable email templates for customer engagement.
Visit The Right Software for support and additional information about the WooCommerce Loyal Customers plugin.
- Upload the woocommerce-loyal-customers folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Loyal Customers to start using the plugin.
Currently no questions available.
Contributors & Developers
“WooCommerce Loyal Customers” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Added date range search and customer name in CSV export.
Fixed CSV export issues. Tested up to WordPress 5.4.2 and WooCommerce 3.5.4.
Rewrote algorithm for faster processing with large datasets (tested with 30,000+ orders).
Update for WooCommerce 2.4.3.
Added error reporting for improved troubleshooting.
Increased memory limit for better performance on large sites.
Added sorting by Client ID and pagination support.
Improved color codes and compatibility.
Compatibility update for WooCommerce 2.3.7 and WordPress 4.1.
Initial release.