Plugin Tag: table of contents
Easy Table of Contents
Adds a user friendly and fully automatic way to create and display a table of contents generated from the page content.
Table of Contents Plus
A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories.
SimpleTOC – Table of Contents Block
SEO-friendly Table of Contents Gutenberg block. No JavaScript and no CSS means faster loading.
Order your posts in subpages: multipage posts will have a table of contents linking single subpages with their titles.
GutenTOC – Advance Table of Content for Gutenberg
GutenTOC is Satisfaction guaranteed TOC builder If you use Gutenberg editor and need to create table of content any place.
Extended Table of Contents (with nextpage support)
This plugin automatically generates and inserts a table of contents (ToC) to your pages and posts, based on tags h1-h6. It can deal with nextpage-tag.
Seo Friendly Table of Contents
A simple seo friendly table of contents plugin that does not require editing in your themes source code.