Plugin Tag: JSON
Completely disables JSON REST API for both registered and anonymous users in WordPress 4.7.* and removes API links and tags.
HEAT Chatfuel Integration
Connect your website with Chatfuel Chatbot in the blink of an eye with powerful JSON data from posts or products.
WP API Customizer
Make post meta data (custom field values) available for JSON REST API (WP API) when unauthenticated.
Redirect Front-end to Login | Headless WP
Redirects all front-end pages to the login page, best for building a headless WP REST API backend
WP REST API Filter Fields
Extends the functionality of [WP REST API]. Allows you to request only certain fields.
WordPress REST API – Authentication Broker
Used together with the WP REST API OAuth 1.0a Server plugin, this allows the WP RET API Authentication Broker
WordPress To Android Plugin
Wordpress to Android is a plugin that allow you to convert your blog or WordPress site in to a Mobile App for Android Native.