Plugin Tag: html
CodeMirror for Post Editor
Write beautiful HTML code using the CodeMirror component for your WordPress posts.
HTML 3.1x Editor Font
Brings the old HTML-Editor font from Wordpress 3.1x back to WordPress 3.2 and higher
Simple Quick Tags
Simple Quick Tags allows you to add useful quicktag buttons to the Text (HTML) mode of the WordPress WYSIWYG editor via a settings page.
HTML Regex Replace
Replace any html you write in editor (Visual or HTML) with pre-defined string. Use Regexp to define patterns for replacement.
WP Clean Characters
This plugin will convert the characters pasted from any character set to a valid UTF-8 entities.
(x)html easy validator
Check the doctype validity using W3c validator (html , xhtml , … ) when creating or updating page / post / custom post type and show the result in …
Newsletter HTML Generator
Generates HTML-code of ready to send newsletter using title, teaser, image, etc from your post and templates you provide
Eazy HTML5 Elements
Eazy HTML5 Elements displays most HTML elements using a shortcode. This allows theme developers to visualize how HTML elements will display.
Texy! is text-to-HTML formatter and converter library. It allows you to write structured documents without knowledge or using of HTML language.
Bold To Strong
Converts HTML tags 'b' and 'i' to 'strong' and 'em' within posts, pages, and comments, making them more access …
Insert ShortCode Pattern
Шаблонный текст вставляемый на страницу при помощи шорткода. HTML теги, PHP код
DBlocks CodePro
Advanced HTML Code Block and Code Syntax Highlighterin for sharing code snippets and running code.
Gallery Class
Gallery Class adds a new setting in the media gallery settings to set a custom CSS class.
LH Save Down
Save posts and pages in text, html, epub, or pdf attachment format. Only post content is saved all other stuff gets discarded.
GETitOUT Media Exporter
This plugin will make GETitOUT able to export your custom content to wordpress, it will allow basic authentication through the wordpress REST API, as …