Plugin Tag: Highlight
Yet Another Featured Posts Plugin (YAFPP)
Yet Another Featured Posts Plugin provides an easy AJAX interface to feature posts, with thumbnails & other display options for featured posts.
Syntax Highlighter MT
This plugin works like many of the others that enable the use of the Syntax Highlighter tool. Dynamic plugin loading
Syntax Highlighter Compress
Syntax Highlighter ComPress is a plugin for code syntax highlighting. It loads fast on the website and code can pasted easily into Wordpress.
Simple Author Highlighter
Simple Author Highlighter is a wordpress plugin that allows you to easy highlight authors comments. More on our website
Highlight Source Pro
Powerful, XHTML-compliant, server-side code highlighting for pretty much all languages
Sunburst Code Prettify
Uses Highlight.js with the Sunburst syntax theme to elegantly highlight code.
MyQtip – easy qTip2
MyQtip for Wordpress is a plugin that uses new qTip2 jQuery plugin to display nice looking, user friendly tooltips.
Simple Shortcode Calendar
Lets you create a monthly calendar by entering a shortcode. Calendar is output as an HTML table. You can also highlight certain dates.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: SASS Brush
Adds support for the SASS language to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin.
Old Posts Highlighter
This module will randomly choose an old post in your Wordpress database and reset his publication date.
WP Prism Syntax Highlighter
A lightweight and convenient plugin to integrate Prism Syntax Highlighter into WordPress.
WP Emphasis
One-click implementation of the New York Times open-source emphasis script for highlighting and permalinking text.
Qlik for WordPress
Tools for Qlik bloggers including inserting Qlik UI icons and automatic syntax highlighting of QlikView and Qlik Sense script/expressions on any WordP …
Search Tools – Advanced Search Analytics, Highlight, Extend, Disable
The advanced search plugin shows analytics, what users look for, can export data, highlights search term, extends default WordPress search engine.