Plugin Tag: hide
Oomph Hidden Tags
Hide certain tags from tag lists and tag clouds. Allow capable users to see hidden tags with the see_hidden_tags capability.
This plugin will hide and disable the URL field from wordpress default comment form.Just Activate the plugin and start using.
WP Login Door
Did you ever feel like your website or blog login page is ridiculously fragile and reachable, and could be easily broken in by an intruder?
Hide Category by User Role for WooCommerce
This plugin allows you to easily hide WooCommerce categories based on User Role.
Super Hide Post
Enables you to control the visibility of items on your blog by making posts/pages hidden on some parts of your blog, while still visible in other part …
Remove tabs and fields from WooCommerce
[ ? ???????????? ?????????????? b?? ?????????? ] Remove extra tabs and fields from WooCommerce items & checkout