Plugin Tag: Frontend
Simple , minimalistic plugin that lets you set different locale for frontend and backend.
Sewn In Post Delete
A very basic framework for deleting posts on the front end. Uses a nonce for security and checks capabilities to what a user has access to.
muv – Kundenkonto
Dieses Plugin erweitert Ihren Internet-Auftritt um die M?glichkeit, Ihren Kunden ein Kundenkonto anzubieten. Kunden k?nnen sich registrieren, anmelden …
Front-end Categories
A tiny and super simple plugin for creating categories and sub-categories on the WordPress front-end using Ajax.
ACF Page Level
Sometimes you want to show the field groups based on the page level right? Well here you go. Enjoy!
Frontend Post for Elementor
This plugin is extension for Elementor, it creates new widget called "Frontend Post" which you can use to provide functionality for frontend …
th23 User Management
Styled user management for login, register, user profile… – optional: user chosen passwords, e-mail validation, admin approval, reCaptcha and more
WP Frontend
Frontend profile builder, authentication and post submission plugin for wordpress. Evenrything is in frontend.
Frontend Add Post
Add a post on frontend with ajax and simple and elegant look also list down published post with simple yet attractive layout.
BuddyPress Frontend Admin
This plugin brings site-wide-like administration options to the frontend, allowing group admins simpler management of all of their groups.
WA Fronted
A frontend editor for WordPress. Free and open source project with a goal to enhance usability and convenience of editing content.
CubeAccount Frontend Login
CubeAccount Frontend Login lets your users login and register from the frontend of your site. The WordPress dashboard and admin bar can be hidden comp …
Gnarly Frontend Page Sort
Drag & Drop sorting of pages on the front end of your wordpress site. Great for sites that use get_pages to list sub pages of a parent page.