Plugin Tag: fonts
Ultimate Google Fonts
With this Google fonts plugin you have more than awesame 90 open source fonts at your disposal! Choose and customize Google fonts directly from your W …
Font Burner Control Panel
The Font Burner Plugin allows you to easily add Font Burner Fonts to your Wordpress theme. (IF UPGRADING, BE SURE TO RECORD YOUR FONT BURNER SETTINGS …
Thai Fonts for Elementor
A simple plugin that dynamically enqueue selected Thai language fonts, and make them available in the Elementor\'s Editor
mowomo Variable Fonts
An elegant solution for a better typography with beautiful variable fonts. This plugin allows you to easy use variable fonts, establish a responsive …
Simple Gutenberg Google Fonts
Simple Google Fonts adds the posibility to change default fonts to Google fonts from within the new WordPress v5.0 editor, codename Gutenberg.
Neptune Style Element
Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later Customize any element with support for live preview in the Customizer.
TypeSquare Webfonts for
Z.comのWordPress専用サーバー「 WP」で株式会社モリサワが提供するWebフォントサービス「TypeSquare」を利用できるプラグインです。
TTFGen allows you to embed fonts on your website by generating static images from your own CSS parameters. TTFGen is 100% cross browser compatible.
Very Basic Google Fonts
The simple, bare-bones way to include Google Fonts to the wp_head(). It isn’t fancy but it gets the job done.
RH Devnia Webfonts
this plugin is change your body font with devnia web fonts service if yout site was in arabic language.