Plugin Tag: daily
Bible Verse of the Day
Shows the daily inspiring Bible verse or a random Bible verse from In English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, …
Easy Quotes
Collect and show your favorite Quotes / Reviews / Testimonials or any other short snippet of Text.
Bible Verse Display
Lets you display either the verse of the day from Biblegateway, or a random verse from your favorites.
Astronomy Picture Of the Day
A plugin that fetches data from NASA's open API regarding the Astronomy Picture Of the Day to be used within posts/pages
Gravity Forms Periodic Notification E-Mails
Sends periodic e-mails for Gravity Forms entries created within the period. Daily, weekly, monthly updates instead of 1 e-mail per form entry.
Verse of the Day
This plugin shows a daily verse of the Holy Word of God, the Bible, on
Daily logo
Daily logo is a simple and flexible plugin which allow users to display a different header/logo in their site every day.
Daily Maxim 365
This plugin displays various short quotes. It can display quotes randomly on a daily or monthly basis.
Earth Observatory IOTD Widget
Provides a widget to display the NASA Earth Observatory's Image of the Day and/or the RSS feed on your sidebar.
Tag your posts with the exercises you did that day, including how much (e.g. steps, minutes, reps, etc.)