Plugin Tag: credit
Integration Rede for WooCommerce
Receive payments through credit and debit cards, from different brands, using 3DS authentication technology.
Loan Calculator
Loan repayment calculator, featuring credit rating customization. Slide to set your loan amount and term, and see instant repayment options.
Image Credits nofollow
Adds credits to the media uploads: Source and source URL. URLs are nofollow by default.
PayPal REST Credit Card for WooCommerce
PayPal REST Credit Card for WooCommerce. Develop by Official PayPal Partner.
Simpaisa Credit/Debit Card Payment Service
Providing Easy To Integrate Credit & Debit Card Payment Services.
Credit Line Generator
A template for the Classic editor that allows you to copy and paste image credits into your posts. This makes it easier to avoid typos.
IDPay For MyCred
After installing and enabling this plugin, your customers can pay through IDPay gateway.