Plugin Tag: compatibility
Better Plugin Compatibility Control
Adds version compatibility info to the plugins page to inform the admin at a glance if a plugin is compatible with the current WP version.
ServerBuddy by
ServerBuddy by tests server configuration to look for problems with hosting configuration and determine hosting quality.
Incompatibility Status
Incompatibility Status adds a status message to the admin dashboard to display possible incompatibility issues using the block editor and full-site ed …
WP Browser Compatibility Checker
Provides WordPress with a minimum browser compatibility setting. If the end user is not using a compatible browser they are warned.
Nouw CSS
This plugin allows imported blogs from to be shown correctly on wordpress-blogs. The plugin adds CSS for Nouws picture collage feature.
Plugin Compatibility Info
Shows the version of WordPress that your plugins have been tested up to ( according to the plugin author ).
KAGG Compatibility
The plugin blocks error messages of any level from WordPress core, plugins, and themes.