Plugin Tag: cloud
DigitalOcean Spaces Sync
This WordPress plugin syncs your media library with DigitalOcean Spaces Container.
WooCommerce Fattureincloud
WooCommerce Fattureincloud by Woofatture trasforma gli ordini in fatture su WooCommerce Fattureincloud
Tag Cloud Shortcode
The plugin enables any page or post author to include a Tag Cloud by using a shortcode instead of hacking theme template files.
azurecurve Tag Cloud
Displays a tag cloud with easy control of settings and exclusion of tags from the cloud.
Customizable File Upload Form with Backend Cloud Storage
Drag & Drop file and folder upload form with customizable design, fields, backend cloud storage, e-mail notifications, multi-language, filters and …
Live updates from Excel
Display live updating data from your desktop Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in your WordPress blog. No file saving or importing required.
Post Tags and Archives
Display the Tag Cloud or the Archive directly in posts and pages, and change their look in the options.
pCloud Backup
pCloud Backup va vous permettre de réaliser des sauvegardes de votre/vos site(s) WordPress (et WooCommerce) directement sur votre cloud pCloud.
CloudSearch is a flexible plugin that allows you to leverage the search index power of Amazon CloudSearch in your WordPress site.