BuddyPress Members Only is a BuddyPress plugin that restricts your BuddyPress to logged in/registered members only.
opt to just allow logged in users to view your site, non members can only open a few specified page which you setting in our plugin back end. Logged in users have full access on your BuddyPress site.
opt to open or close a few buddypress components to guest: for example, you can just enable Buddypress Activity Component pages to subscriber user role, then open buddypress groups component pages to support user role, and open users profile component pages to customer user role, and opt to buddypress member component pages open for non member users, and … and so on.
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The plugin is a simple & quick & light BuddyPress Membership solution, it allows you to make your buddypress site only viewable to visitors that are logged in, you can just activate the plugin and finish a little setting work quickly in admin panel and it will begin the work. If you do not setting it in back end, it works well too, it is super easy to use.
Also the plugin support custom your wordpress login link, redirect buddypress login users to buddypress profile page or buddypress activity page or buddypress members page, and opt to restrict wordpress post or not, you can opt to restrict custom post type via a few clicks too.
You can setup which pages on your site will open to guest very quickly:
The plugin is very easy to use
- Once activated our BuddyPress Membership plugin, your buddypress / wordpress site will instantly become a private community.
- In backend, you can decide which parts of your site are open to guest.
- You can restricts Bubbypress standard components to non-member users, for example , you can open buddypress activity pages to guest, but protect members pages to guest… and so on.
- When guest users try to view any other pages on your site, they will be redirected to the URL which you set up in “Register Page URL” — you can select other pages in this URL too, for example, landing page, or membership payment page… and so on
- By default, Home page of your site is always be opened to non member users.
- Login page will always be opened to non member users.
- Register page will always be opened to non member users.
- Lost Password page will always be opened to non member users.
- User activation page will always be opened to non member users.
- In backend “Buddypress Members Only Setting” menu -> Option Panel, you can set up “Register Page URL”, “Opened Page URLs”, please check screenshost at
- “Opened Page URLs” will opened to non member users always.
- “Register Page URL” will opened to non member users always.
- BuddyPress Login Rrdirect: opt to redirect logged in users to buddypress profile page or buddypress members page or buddypress activity page. If you did not install buddypress, this option will be ignored.
- Open WordPress Posts: options to only protect your buddypress pages, so other section on your wordpress site will be open to the guest users.
- Custom / Hide WordPress / BuddyPress login link: In setting panel, opt to custom your wordpress login link to stop spam bot find your buddypress private site.
- WordPress page Level Protect: in setting panel, options to enable page level protect, if you enable page level protect, in post editor, you will find “Allow everyone to access the page” checkbox in meta box, you can opt to specific any post open to all guest users
- Restrict custom post types: In setting panel, you can opt to restrict custom post types to guest or not, we have list all wordpress custom post type in the ” BuddyPress Members Only Restrict Custom Post Types Settings” panel, what you need to do is just a few clicks
- Knowledge Base: for help you understand how to use the buddypress membership system easier, also in each setting panel, we added detailed description for each option, just follow our guide, you can build a private buddypress network very quickly
- BuddyPress Members Only supported HTTPS and HTTP, we will detect HTTPS and HTTP automatically.
- BuddyPress members only plugin support WordPress too, if you disable buddypress on your site, our plugin will detect it and support wordpress members only automatically
> * The plugin support translate and launch localized versions, .po files can be found in languages sub-folder.
Any feature request is super welcome, please contact us via plugin support page
More Pro Version Features
Pro Version Detailed Feature List With Screenshot
- All functions in free version
- Fine-grained Access Control for Your Buddypress Site: restrict each buddypress componets, control each menu visibility, control each user role’s profile visibility, restricts each wordpress pages(even home page or site rss), based on approved members / approved user roles, finish all works just via a few clicks in powerful control panels.
- Restricts BP standard Components Based on User Roles: for example, you can just enable Buddypress Activity Component pages to subscriber user role, then open buddypress groups component pages to support user role, and open users profile component pages to customer user role, and opt to buddypress member component pages open for non member users, and … and so on.
- Restricts BP customized Components Based on User Roles: opt to restrict customzied components via 3rd buddypress plugins, there are many amazing buddypress developer developed many customized buddypress components, you can opt to these 3rd customized components open to specific user roles
- Menu Visibility Control by User Roles: for example, you can only allow customer user role to see download menu, and opt to subscriber & customer user role can see product menu… and so on, also by this way, you do not need make a long menu lists to all users
- Approved Users Only: after enabled this buddypress membership addon, when users register as members, they need awaiting administrator approve their account manually, at the same time when unapproved users try to login your site, they can not login your site and they will get a message that noticed they have to waiting for admin approve their access first, only approved users can login your site, Admin user can approve or unapprove any users again at anytime, very easy to use. You can enable / disable approve user addon at anytime in addon manage panel. Just one click, you can lock your buddypress social network quickly, just your friend or family or worker can view your buddypress network.
- Powerful Login redirect / Logout Redirect Based on User Roles: pro version will support more login / logout redirect options, each user roles have options for redirect to the referer pages before they login, also support 12 buddypress components to redirect login / logout users, and support to redirect to any specific url based on your setup for each user roles… and so on
- Customized Opened URLs Restricts Based on User Roles and Tags: For example, you can set up only opened for customer user role, or open %sitename%/family/%username%/ for family user types… and so on.
- Customized Closed URLs Restricts based on user roles and Tags, for example, you can close page to guest user role, but open it for customer user role, at the same time, you can open for guest user role, support use placeholders %username% and %sitename% to protect your customized Closed URLs pages
- Charge Membership fees from Your BuddyPress Site: works well with BuddyPress Membership WooCmmerce Payment Gateway Plugin to charge buddyrpess membership fee based on user roles
- One click to add default 10 membership Levels, One click to remove default 10 membership Levels, Edit Label of Default Membership Levels, one click to reset membership levels
- Restricts Site RSS Feed: opt to restrict rss content, and opt to specific restricts notification to rss users, you can add restricts notification in editor, support image, link, font style, videos… and so on, restricts notification will shown in feed content ……
- Opt to Restricts Specific BuddyPress Component Pages from Search Engines: if you are running a buddypress private network, and if you do not hope some private content be searched in search engines, it is very easy to remove your private content from google via a few clicks in buddypress members only backend setting panel
- Support add Announcement on Buddypress Members Only register page, you can add announcement in editor with image, link, font style, videos… and so on, we will show announcement at top of register page.
- Restrict Custom Post Types Based on User Role: enhanced custom posty type module, allow admin restrict custom post types based on user roles
- Options to only protect your buddypress pages, so other section on your wordpress site will be open to the guest users, so you can only restrict your buddypress section, but open wordpress section to your guests, for example, blog, faq, ticket, store… and so on.
- Enable page level protect, when you edit a post, you can choose setting it as a members only page or not. By this way, you do not need enter page URLs to Opened Pages Panel always
- Restricts Your Buddypress and WordPress and bbPpress to logged in/registered members
- Easy to use, build a privacy site quickly, via a few clicks in powerful control panel, you can decide which section of your site open / close to specific user roles.
- One Click Reset all Settings
- Option to ” Use Permanent 301 Redirect Instead of Temporary 302 Redirect”
- More Buddypress Membership Addons included in the buddypress membership pro to enrich your application scenarios
- Detailed tips for each setting options and detailed Knowledge Base for help you understand how to use the buddypress membership system easier
- Support ticket: if you need any help, or if you need any more buddypress membership features, you can find our support ticket in “Knowledge Base” menu
- …… and more, any fearure request is welcome
Please check demos
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I am developing many more amazing features, you are very welcome to submit any feature request
1:Upload the BuddyPress Members only plugin to your blog
2:Activate it
3:Setting your register page URL or redirect page for non member of your buddypress site in BuddyPress Members only menu at admin panel
4:If you have any pages / posts / URLs is opened to public user account, you can just add then in “Open Page URLs” textarea, enter one URL per line please.
That’s all, when non member view your buddypress site they will be redirect to login/register page or if you setting your register page URL, non member will be redirected to your register page URL.
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Contributors & Developers
“BuddyPress Members Only” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “BuddyPress Members Only” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Version 3.5.1
Buddypress Members Only has been migrated to new WordPress repository address. Please click the link to re-install the new version:
You only need to deactivate the current plugin, then install and activate Buddypress Members Only New. All data and settings will be automatically saved and migrated, with no risk involved
You can also download the latest Buddypress Members Only plugin for free from our official download link at any time:
The old WordPress repository address will soon be closed. Please use the new WordPress repository address to reinstall the Membership plugin.
Otherwise, you will not receive updates to the latest versions. We apologize deeply for any inconvenience caused to you. Thank you.
Version 3.4.9
New option “Disable REST API” in the Buddypress Members Only Setting panel, if you enable this option, the plugin will disable the REST API to enhance wordpress security
Version 3.4.3
Enhance wordpress security by implementing several actions and filters, along with a custom REST API permission handing function to restric external access
Version 3.3.5
New Knowledge Base Item: How to create buddypress memebers page for buddypress members component
Version 3.3.3
please check change log at: