Search results for: “wp-user-alerts”
Tori Ajax
Adds Ajax in WordPress with a few lines of code. Adding Ajax is now simple as calling toria_add_ajax($action_name, $php_callback, $js_script_path) fun …
Real Estate Listings Plugin for Professionals
An All-in-One Real Estate Plugin Solution for Brokerages and Agents Integrated with a High Powered Real Estate CRM Solution.
- Plugin
Analyze how search engines and other bots crawl and understand your web page. The official PHP Wordpress plugin for
Dismiss Privacy Nag
dismiss privacy pointer nag and admin notification when it is activated or if it is in mu-plugins directory
WP Spider Cache
WP Spider Cache is your friendly neighborhood caching solution for WordPress. It uses Memcached to store both objects & page output.
Chatwing Live Group Chat – HTML5 + Chat Apps
Chatwing offers an unlimited live website/blog chat experience.This chat widget specializes in delivering real-time communication at any given time
WP Foundation Shortcodes
WP Foundation Shortcodes Plugin makes your ZURB Foundation website to the most powerful framework by styling your content with shortcodes
Alert box for comments
Plugin creates button, that opens box and shows logged users 3 latest responds on their comments.
Inspector Plugin
You can stay informed for potentially broken plugins or themes. Removing broken plugins is a big win in maintaining a high performance WordPress site.
WP Security Audit Log addon for Paid Memberships Pro
An Addon to the WP Security Audit Log plugin to log events from Paid Memberships Pro plugin
Per Form Confirmations for GiveWP
A GiveWP add-on that let's you designate unique confirmation pages per form. Useful for multilingual sites or customizing your thank you messagin …