Search results for: “syntax highlighting”
Syntax Highlighting
HighLight Code allows you to add syntax highlighting to the snippets contained in your articles. NOTE (beta): This plugin is very felt, it is still in …
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce creates a solid integration between your WordPress install(s) and your account!
Legacy Jetpack Custom CSS Editor
This plugin re-adds the full page admin Custom CSS editor to Jetpack.
Pollux allows you to easily add custom Post Types, Taxonomies, Meta Boxes, Global Settings, Archive Page meta, and more…all within mere minutes.
Code Syntax Highlighter
A simple dynamic loading syntax highlighter.Supports 172 languages, 172 shortcodes and 55 themes.
Custom HTML & JS Shortcodes by
Easily create custom HTML and Javascript shortcodes. Syntax highlighting and revisions support.
Comment Mail
License: GPLv3 or later License URI: Author: WP Sharks Author URI: https://comment-mail.
Better Code Editing
Adding CodeMirror functionality to the Plugin and Theme file editors, as well as the Customizer Custom CSS box and Custom HTML widget.
WP Login Flow
wp-login permalinks, auto login, register w/ pass, login/logout redirects, email as username, bg/logo/color customizations, hide admin bar, and more!
Sublime Custom JS Editor
Write easily your custom JavaScript like sublime text editor and add your website.
Better File Editor
Adds line numbers, syntax highlighting, code folding, and lots more to the theme and plugin editors in the admin panel.
Sublime Custom CSS Editor
Write easily your custom CSS like sublime text editor and add your website.
GUI – Visual Editor
This plugin for edit your posts on the front-end of your site without going to wp-admin edit page, this work using tinymce inline technology.