Search results for: “syntax highlighting”
Easy Code Highlighter
Displays code with syntax highlighting using Prism.js, real line numbering, and a copy button.
This plugin allows you very simply syntax highlight source code in your content using highlight.js or google-code-prettify libraries.
Coding Blocks
code block, syntax highlighter, code highlighter, editor, php, html, css, javascript, python, java, jsx, react, snippet, highlight, syntax, github, p …
AI Admin Assistant
Get intelligent assistance for writing, SEO, and technical tasks using Claude AI technology.
Translate WordPress with GTranslate
Translate WordPress with Google Translate multilanguage plugin to make your website multilingual. Complete multilingual SEO solution for WordPress.
Code Prettify
100% automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no classnames, fully automatic and pure awesome.
iG:Syntax Hiliter
A plugin to easily present source code on your site with syntax highlighting and formatting (as seen in code editors, IDEs).
Contact Form 7 Syntax Highlighting
Adds syntax higlighting to the Contact Form 7 admin screens. Requires the Contact Form 7 plugin.
WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate
A comprehensive collection of visual components for your site
Elementor Syntax Highlighter
An Elementor widget to add syntax highlighting to your sight with PrismJS.
{eac}Doojigger Readme Extension for WordPress
{eac}Readme loads and translates a WordPress markdown 'readme.txt' file providing shortcodes to access header lines and section blocks.
Modular Custom CSS
WordPress core provides custom CSS functionality in the customizer that's specific to the current theme; you can switch themes freely with each t …
Search & Filter
Search and Filtering for Custom Posts, Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Post Dates and Post Types
SyntaxHighlighter Amplified
Easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without having to modify the code at all. Compatible with AMP pages.