Search results for: “rss feed”
A suite of tools used to help surface interesting and popular stories as well as improve WordPress' CMS capabilities as an application platform.
WP JW Player
WP JW Player is customizable flash player with embed function, rss feeds which allows you to publish video and text content at the same time.
Custom Post Type Archives
Enables custom post type archives that will support both paging and feeds. All fully customizable.
Feed Key Generator
Protect feeds of private sites/blogs with feed keys. Tested on network using a MODIFIED version of "Network Privacy" plugin.
Este plugin muestra de forma visual tus seguidores de Twitter, facebook y tus lectores de FeedBurner con sus tres botones correspondientes.
Daring Fireball-style Linked List Plugin
This plugin makes your RSS feed behave like Daring Fireball's linked list posts, and has some extra features to make posting linked lists easier.
Excerpt Editor
Quick edit or create excerpts for both Posts and Pages, auto-generate and append excerpts or replace the content with excerpts.
WP OpenData
This plugin enables you to list and manage open datasets on your website. You can create a showcase of projects and apps using open data as well.
Private WP suite
Adds option in the admin panel for making your blog (including rss feeds and uploaded files) private.
Update Notifier
Sends email notifications if a new version of WordPress available. Notifications about updates for plugins and themes can also be sent.
Subscribe Remind will add a brief message at the bottom of each post inviting users to subscribe to your RSS feed or follow you on Twitter.
Google News Sitemap Feed With Multisite Support
Dynamically generates a Google News Sitemap. Multisite compatible.