Search results for: “query”
Dragon Ecommerce Plugin for WordPress
Every company needs an ecommerce plugin to sell products on the WordPress website. This plugin sells your products to website visitors.
With Timify, let your audience know about the last modified date, publish date, and reading time of your articles. You can also customize each setting …
Plugin Name: FeedBlitz FeedSmart
Redirects all RSS feed queries to your FeedBlitz feed, enabling consistent RSS subscriber tracking, and enables RSS monetization via FeedBlitz's …
Anexia Monitoring
A WordPress plugin used to monitor updates for core, plugins and themes. It can be also used to check if the website is alive and working correctly.
Turtletoy Gallery
This plugin provides a shortcode to display a gallery of Turtletoy turtles on your WordPress site.
Compare table
Creates a table where a visitor can compare services or items or anything really, that you provide from the admin interface.
Floating Buttons for WooCommerce
Floating Buttons and Action Bar on your WooCommerce website with floating Cart. Floating action buttons to increase store sales!
Reacho – Free Customer Support Plugin for WooCommerce
Boost WooCommerce engagement with Reacho's automation, help desk, and live chat. Manage all interactions in one place—no coding needed.
Content Control – The Ultimate Content Restriction Plugin! Restrict Content, Create Conditional Blocks & More
Restrict content based on login status, user roles, device type & more. Monetize your content with a paywall or members-only content.
Easy EDD For Elementor – EDD Addon for Elementor. Make EDD more usable with Elementor.
Easy EDD integration for Elementor helps to exhibit your store items with all the important data and blazes that can stand out.
YourMembership Single Sign On – YM SSO Login
Single Sign On (SSO) into WordPress (WP) using YourMembership credentials – Login with YourMembership [24/7 SUPPORT]
Generative AI Chatbot – collect leads conversationally, answer queries and improve conversion
AI chatbot to collect data and answer queries. No code, conversational forms, ChatGPT and multi-language for best customer support and FAQ experience.
Improved WordPress and WooCommerce search with lightning-fast results. Search products, pages and posts. No site slowdown!
Modifies microsoft affiliate links in the content by adding your MVP content creator parameter to the query string
This plugin is designed to help customers It is highly dynamic, allowing the content of the HelpWidget and its display timing to be fully customizable
Migrate away from Final Tiles
Migrate away from Final Tiles is the official migrator from Final Tiles Gallery to Modula Gallery
belboon Advertiser Tracking
Adds the affiliate marketing tracking of the belboon network for advertisers