Search results for: “gravatar”
Favicon Images for Comments
Favicon Images for WordPress Comments lets you add favicons next to your blog comments using the site URL of the commentator.
Avatars for Comment Feeds
This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog.
RainmakerMoxie (BETA-limited support) is an interactive sidebar widget. Enter an email address and it displays a photo, name, social links and more.
WP Vanilla Connect
This plugin allows your WordPress users to authenticate and login to Vanilla forums like Facebook Connect.
Easily embed links to wikipedia topics, amazon book sales, php documentation, and more with [ln linktype]topic[/ln].
EasyGravatar is a Plugin to show the gravatars of Commentators, but Trackbacks and Pingbacks haven't
BlogShotR is a very easy useable plugin, wich helps you after activating to show the commentators Blog or Homepage with a very mini Screenshot right i …
Visitors Notify
When your visitors don't want or don't have anything to comment, they can still mark their visits.
Adds the post box from the Prologue theme (modified to include a Title field, Category dropdown and a Save as Draft option) to any theme.