Search results for: “gravatar”
SW Lazy Load
SW Lazy Load is a no brain plugin that allow's you to load only images when they are needed.
Blogroll Widget with RSS Feeds
Displays the recent posts of your blogroll links via RSS Feeds in a customizable sidebar widget
Advanced Author Exposed
The plugin links a hidden DIV (layer) with information about the author to any item on a page.
Creación de usuarios en plataforma wordpress con el sistema de verificación institucional de la Universidad de Chile.
Gravatar China
Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 characters. No markup here.
Opengraph and Microdata Generator
Adds Facebook OpenGraph Meta Tags to head for a better social sharing experience.
All Due Credit
Credit those who helped by including a stylish list of names after any post, potentially including a Gravatar and link for each.
Enables a shortcode, [debate], that allows multiple blog contributors to add their contributions to a discussion.
Profile Pic
Allows authors to add a picture to their profile and automates the process of displaying profiles. Highly configurable via plugin and widget settings.
Create a dynamic Google gadget for your WordPress blog. Allow People to add your gadget to iGoogle.