Search results for: “gravatar”
Apple Passbook Gateway
Generate and download Apple Passbook member cards from the Pass Gate server using Rest API. The cards are built with info of currently logged in user.
WP Comments Manager
Install this plugin only if you have Comments Manager for Windows Phone7 and you want push notification enabled or other features.
wp image annotation
Allows you to add textual annotations to images by select a region of the image and then attach a textual description.
Hikari Unicornified Gravatars
Hikari Unicornified Gravatars converts avatars from people that don't have a Gravatar, into customized unicorns.
Author Popup
A CSS popup will appear by hovering on an author link with user profile & social links.
Post Author
Display author, writing and editing date – fully customizable for content, excerpt, home, archive… with exceptions. Great for multi-author websites.
Guan Image Notes
Image tagging system sync with WordPress comment system. Or also known as image notes, or image annotation.