Search results for: “gravatar”
Epoch – A native Disqus alternative with a focus on speed and privacy
Epoch – 100% realtime chat and commenting in a tiny little package that is fully CDN and cache compatible.
WP Wall
"Wall" widget that appears in your blog's sidebar acting as a cool shoutbox for your visitors.
AvatarPlus allows users to use their profile image from Google+, Facebook or Twitter as avatar for their comment(s). AvatarPlus requires PHP v5.3+
QQ Avatar
Replace Gravatar while commenter use QQ numeric email address.如果用户使用数字QQ邮箱留言且公开空间头像,就替换成QQ头像。
WP Dashboard Chat
WP Dashboard Chat is a Twitter inspired widget, which displays on the admin dashboard. It allows for quick communication between users and admins.
Gravatar Hovercards
This plugin enables Gravatar Hovercards in Self Hosted Wordpress Blogs. Code by Ottopress, Pluginized By Abhik.
Show Archive Descriptions
Display category, tag and author descriptions on the appropriate archive pages.