Search results for: “gravatar”
XMPP Authentication
Allows users to authenticate without password via XMPP and for visitors to be filtered by XMPP verification.
WP Local Toolbox
A simple plugin to help manage development over local, staging and production servers.
Genesis Featured Widget Amplified
Genesis Featured Posts with support for custom post types, taxonomies, and so much more
Tietuku Avatar for WordPress
Use Tietuku Avatar service to replace Gravatar. And replace Google fonts and scripts. 用贴图库头像服务替代Gravatar。并且替换Google字体和脚本。
Creates a unique, persistent geometric icons avatar for each commenter based on email address.
People Page
Create a "People Page" that displays a list of selected site users with photos, bios, titles, links and more.
WP Stripe
WP Stripe provides a payment form and recent donor widget by utilizing, the awesome alternative to PayPal.
Twitter Avatar Reloaded
Stores Twitter username together with comments and replaces gravatar with twitter avatar.
Ozh' Avatar Popup
Add CSS popups next to mailto links or next to any word. Can be any custom image, and has gravatar support.