Search results for: “favicon”
Coming Soon Master
Coming Soon Master plugin is modern and responsive coming soon, under construction & maintenance plugin to manage your website while it's und …
Favicon on external URLs
Adds Favicon to every external link inside posts. It uses external favicon service that you can alter. You can alse choose position of icon and limit …
Woocommerce favicon cart badge
This plugin adds a custom favicon a badge showing the number of products that are in the shopping cart
WP Missing Functions Plugin
No need any more functions.php file editing. Just give a tick mark and this plugin will do the rest for you.
Flatty – Flat Admin Theme
Professional flat admin theme for Wordpress Admins. A modern taste to Wordpress. Your backend will look like 2017+.
Fresh, modern, native WordPress Admin Theme Interface designed & developed with compatibility in mind.
Alex Set Favicon
Alex Set Favicon allows any user to easily set and update their favicon. See for help
Gravatar Favicon
This plugin allows you to generate a gravatar favicon for your blog and admin logo included Apple touch icon.
cbnet MBP Auto-Activate
Automatically activate MaxBlogPress plugins, without registering and without subscribing to the MaxBlogPress email list.