Search results for: “favicon”
Easy Affiliate Store
The Easy Affiliate Store Plugin for Wordpress lets you quickly add an affiliate store to your site.
Network Favicons
Allows blog owners to use a custom favicon just by uploading it to the root of their theme directory.
SEO Ultimate
This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over meta titles & descriptions, open graph, auto-linking, rich-snippets, 404 monitoring, siloing &am …
RainmakerMoxie (BETA-limited support) is an interactive sidebar widget. Enter an email address and it displays a photo, name, social links and more.
HTML5 Boilerplate
this plug-in allows for easy inclusion and removal of all HTML5 Boilerplate options that are pertinent to WP. More about this plug-in can be found at …
Stylish Login Pro
Stylish Login Pro is a simple modern plugin I made so that I could customize the login screen on my own websit.
Parses posts for external links and puts their favicon next to them. It uses service for getting the url favicon.
Karedas Favicons
Adds corresponding favicon from Google Shared Stuff after every links in your posts.
WordPress/MU Favicon
Adds a custom favicon to all WordPress/MU Blogs and Administration Panels! Originally based of the WordPress Admin Favicon Plugin by John Kolbert!