Search results for: “antispam”
Multisite User Registration Manager
Provides a system for registration requests and their processing in multisite. Two-level moderation.
WP Email Invisibliser
A simple plugin to hide emails from spambots. Simply use the shortcode [hide_email [email protected]] to hide myemail@mydomain.
Hiddy captcha 1.5.1
This plugin provides you an easy captcha without javascript, without images, without math. Only a few of CSS and a few of server side.
Epoch – A native Disqus alternative with a focus on speed and privacy
Epoch – 100% realtime chat and commenting in a tiny little package that is fully CDN and cache compatible.
Geo-Captcha & Geo-Blacklist
Geo-Captcha shows a captcha image only to countries you don't trust. Geo-Blacklists allows you to disable comments for some countries.
Language-based Comment Spam Condom
This plugin prevents comments spamming using language verification.
This small plugin helps you to do on your site can register and authorize users without the standard form of WordPress.
NIX Anti-Spam Light
Easy-to-use tool to get rid of spam attacking your website AntiSpamLight is developed to help you to forget about annoying spam bots! No more spam and …
This is the new generation IceCaptcha plugin. The Anti-Spam security system misses no bots and does not disturb a human being.
Simply enables WordPress shortcode for easily letting you camouflage an email address, hiding it from crawling spiders and bots.
Comment Form Access
This plugin gives two methods to limit access to comment form, that one can use alone or combined. The first one limits access to URLs that have a giv …
防止垃圾评论插件,点击正确的图形提交评论,仿"Clickcha"(Click on the Right picture to submit comments,to prevent spam comments,as clickcha)
Antispam Collateral Condolences
Notifies people when their comment is moderated or caught as spam, so they aren't left wondering.
Multilang Contact Form
Multilang Contact Form is a very simple and easy contact form compatible with qtranslate. It can be