Search results for: “nextpage with title”
Easy Table of Contents
Adds a user friendly and fully automatic way to create and display a table of contents generated from the page content.
Gutenberg Block Editor Toolkit – EditorsKit
EditorsKit provides a set of page building tools to supercharge the WordPress Gutenberg block editor.
Bg Book Publisher
The plugin helps you to publish big book with a detailed structure of chapters and sections and forms table of contents of the book.
Order your posts in subpages: multipage posts will have a table of contents linking single subpages with their titles.
WordPress Infinite Scroll – Ajax Load More
The ultimate infinite scroll and lazy load solution for your WordPress powered website.
HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
Add syntax highlighting to WordPress code editors using CodeMirror.js
Jimmy Codeviewer
Jimmy Codeviewer is a shortcode library to load text, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and other scripts to WordPress pages.
Image Archives
Image Archives is a wordpress plugin that displays images from your published posts with a permalink back to the post that the image is connected to.