This plugin does one thing: it creates a simple (but nice-looking) CSS3 progress bar that you can style with your own CSS and use wherever you want with a simple shortcode. Now with support for custom colors and gradients.
To add a progress bar to a post or a page, simply use this shortcode:
[wppb progress=50]
where “50” in the example above is a progress bar that is 50% complete. ?Simple, lightweight, cross-browser compatible (degrades nicely for browsers that don\’t support CSS3).
For more examples and full descriptions of all the available options, click on the options tab.
For demos of each of the options, go here:
This page describes all the available parameters for the shortcode. These can be used in any combination. The only required parameter is progress. All parameters are case-sensitive (e.g. “progress” will work but “Progress” will not).
progress (required)
This determines how full the progress bar will be. Progress can be in 2 forms, either a number (0-100), in which case it will be interpreted as a percentage, or as a fraction (e.g. 25/100). Since 1.1, you can also use dollar signs (e.g. $63/$180), for example to create a fundraising progress bar. If using dollar signs, you only need to add a dollar sign to one or the other of the two values (e.g. 63/$180 or $63/180) — the plugin will output either option the same ($63/$180). Your progress can go over, too (e.g. 150/100 or 123%), but your mileage may vary for the display. It’s not recommended to use this with the fullwidth option, for example, because your progress will spill outside of your main body container.
[wppb progress=50] A progress bar that is 50% complete
[wppb progress="50/100"] A progress bar that is 50/100 complete
[wppb progress="$45/$50"] A dollar value progress bar that is $45/$50 complete
[wppb progress=110] A progress bar that has gone over 100%
[wppb progress=150/100] A progress bar that has exceeded its goal
[wppb progress=$125/100] A fundraising-style progress bar that has exceeded the goal
This adds one of several supported options to the progress bar. For those that know CSS, new “options” can be added simply by adding new styles to your style.css. See the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information on creating new CSS classes. Options can be combined by wrapping them in quotes in the shortcode. The progress bar will naturally have an inner shadow applied to it. The flat
option was added to remove the shadow and display a “flat” color, best when used in conjunction with the color
Supported values: candystripe, animated-candystripe, red, orange, green, yellow, flat
[wppb progress=50 option=red] Displays a red progress bar
[wppb progress=50 option="animated-candystripe green"] Displays a green progress bar with an animated candystripe
[wppb progress=50 option="candystripe orange"] Displays an orange progress bar with a static candystripe
[wppb progress=50 option=candystripe] Displays a default progress bar (blue) with a static candystripe
[wppb progress=50 option=flat color=red] Displays a red progress bar with no inner shadow or gradient
[wppb progress=50 option="flat candystripe" color=gray] Displays a gray progress bar with no inner shadow or gradient and a static candystripe
Displays the percentage, text or fraction either inside or outside the progress bar.
Note: It is not recommended to use location=after
if you are displaying a progress bar that exceeds its goal.
Supported values: inside, after
[wppb progress=50 option=red location=after] Displays a red progress bar with the progress displayed to the right of the progress bar.
[wppb progress=50 option="red candystripe" location=inside] Displays a red progress bar with a static candystripe and the progress displayed inside the progress bar.
[wppb progress=85 location=after text="foo"] Displays a progress bar with the text "foo" displayed after the progress bar.
Displays arbitrary text instead of the progress bar. Can be used with the location parameter to define whether the text appears inside or outside the progress bar (default is inside). Must be used inside double quotes. HTML code is stripped from the final output.
Supported values: any plain text string
[wppb progress=75 text="My awesome text"] Displays "My awesome text" inside a 75% progress bar.
[wppb progress=85 location=after text="foo"] Displays "foo" after an 85% progress bar
[wppb progress=85 location=inside text="hello!"] Displays "hello!" inside an 85% progress bar (note, default location for text is inside, so it isn't required to specify "inside").
Makes the progress bar take up 100% of the container. (Good for responsive layouts.) Not recommended for progress bars that exceed their goal.
Note: fullwidth
will actually take any value. If fullwidth
is present at all, it will display a progress bar that is 100% wide. For example fullwidth=foo
would output the same as fullwidth=true
Supported value: true
[wppb progress=50 fullwidth=true] Displays a full-width (responsive) progress bar
[wppb progress=50 fullwidth=foo] Identical to the above progress bar
Defines a color for the progress bar. This is useful for creating new progress bar colors on the fly without having to edit CSS. Cannot be used in conjunction with any of the pre-existing color options (red, yellow, orange or green).
Supported values: any hexadecimal color value, any rgb/rgba color value, any css-supported color name
[wppb progress=50 color=rgb(123,50,87)]
[wppb progress=55 color=rgba(123,64,99,0.3)]
Note: Since the background color for the progress bar is dark gray, any opacity applied to the rgba color will make the color darker, since it’s adding to the dark gray background.
[wppb progress=22 color=#ff3257]
[wppb progress=68 color=lightYellow]
Defines an end color for a custom gradient when used with color.
Supported values: any hexadecimal color value, any rgb/rgba color value, any css-supported color name
[wppb progress=72 color=turquoise endcolor=teal]
[wppb progress=83 color=#ff2222 endcolor=#ff9984]
[wppb progress=50 color=rgb(203,96,179) endcolor=rgb(173,18,131)]
Determines an end-color on the fly for a gradient based on the color parameter. As such, gradient requires color to be present, otherwise the color and gradient will be set to the default color (blue). Cannot be used in conjunction with any of the pre-existing color options (red, yellow, orange or green). When using gradient
the color value must be in hexadecimal form.
Supported values: any positive or negative decimal value from 0.0 to 1.0 or -1.0.
[wppb progress=22 color=#ff0000 gradient=0.2] Displays a red progress bar that gets lighter at the bottom
[wppb progress=22 color=#ff0000 gradient=-0.2] Displays a red progress bar that gets darker at the bottom
This does not work:
[wppb progress=34 color=rgb(22,18,99) gradient=0.2]
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
How do I change the currency?
WP Progress bar allows currencies in progress bars. By default, the supported currency symbol is $. However, since version 2.2, you can modify this in your environment by using the
filter, e.g.:`
add_filter( ‘wppb.currency_symbol’, ‘my_custom_currency_symbol’ );
function my_custom_currency_symbol( $symbol ) {
return ‘ï¿¡’;
`This code would allow-list the ï¿¡ symbol for use in progress bars. You can also add support for multiple currency symbols in a similar way:
add_filter( ‘wppb.currency_symbol’, ‘my_custom_currency_symbol’ );
function my_custom_currency_symbol( $symbol ) {
$allowed_symbols = [ ‘$’, ‘ï¿¡’ ];
if ( in_array( $symbol, $allowed_symbols ) ) {
return $symbol;
}return '$';
` -
How do I change the colors?
You can change the colors via the css. ?Use
to change the style of the container anddiv.wppb-progress > span
to change the style of the bar itself. ?You can also change the candystripe and animated candystripe. ?See? for an excellent tutorial and? for a CSS gradient generator. -
No, really, how do I change the colors? I don’t know much about CSS.
Okay, here’s a great example that’s being used in the plugin CSS right now to create the ‘red’ option. Here’s the CSS:
/* red */ div.wppb-progress > { background: #d10418; /* Old browsers */ background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #d10418 0%, #6d0019 100%); /* FF3.6+ */ background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#d10418), color-stop(100%,#6d0019)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #d10418 0%,#6d0019 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #d10418 0%,#6d0019 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */ background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #d10418 0%,#6d0019 100%); /* IE10+ */ background: linear-gradient(top, #d10418 0%,#6d0019 100%); /* W3C */ }
You don’t need to worry about the candystripes — those will apply to your new option automatically. Using this example, you can change the hex values and create a new class (like or or span.nyannyanrainbows) that you can use inside the shortcode. Want to see where I got those gradient values? Go here:,6d0019+100;Custom
What about placement of the percentage? Where’s that?
At the end of
you’ll find the two classes for the percentage parameter:/* after */ div.wppb-wrapper.after { width: 440px; } div.wppb-wrapper.after div.wppb-progress { float: left; } div.wppb-wrapper.after div.after { float: right; line-height: 25px; } /* inside */ div.wppb-wrapper.inside { width: 400px; height: 25px; position: relative; } div.wppb-wrapper div.inside { margin: 0 auto; line-height: 25px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 400px; text-align: center; }
Position these however you want. If you wanted the percentage to be inside the progress bar but towards the end, you could do something like this:
/* right */ div.wppb-wrapper.right { width: 400px; height: 25px; position: relative; } div.wppb-wrapper div.inside { margin: 0 auto; line-height: 25px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 400px; text-align: right; padding-right: 10px }
Contributors & Developers
“Progress Bar” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “Progress Bar” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
** 2.2.3 **
* Fixed PHP < 8.0 backwards compatibility issue [#24]
** 2.2.2 **
* use esc_attr instead of sanitize_text_field [#20]
* Fix exception thrown on 0% progress bars [#21]
** 2.2.1 **
* Adds tests for XSS vulnerabilities [#11, #15, #17
* fix the hexdec string conversion notice [#16]
* Resolve XSS vulnerabilities [#17]
** 2.2.0 **
* Adds LICENSE file [#4]
* Adds composer for package management [#5]
* Adds CODEOWNERS file [#6]
* Added Composer scripts for linting & fixed linting issues. Also, resolved possible XSS issues. [#7]
* Added unit tests [#8]
** 2.1.6 **
* Fixed a bug with the progress bar animation on full-width progress bars. (Props @leninzapata)
** 2.1.5 **
- tested on WordPress 5.9
- removed “deprecated” location documentation
** 2.1.4 **
* tested on WordPress 4.4
** 2.1.3 **
- fixed widget support for WordPress 4.3
- version bump
- added plugin icon
- allowed candystriping to apply to custom colors
- fixed an issue where wppb_animate.js was breaking the responsiveness of the fullwidth option. Resolved by not using the animation when fullwidth is being used.
- added number formatting on fraction-based output. ultimately resolves an issue where a comma in the number breaks the formatting. Numbers larger than 1,000 need to be entered in with no comma (e.g. 1000), but will output with the correct number i18n (e.g. 1,000).
- added a description area for sidebar widget
- added progress bar sidebar widget
- some minor css fixes
- fixes positioning of text if there is text and location isn’t defined
- adds text parameter to display custom text (suggested by itsonlybarney)
- deprecated percent parameter
- added (more accurate) location parameter to take the place of the percent parameter
- added support for percent to migrate to location
- strips html from text content
- adds color parameter to define a color for the progress bar
- adds brightness function to create custom gradients on the fly based on the start color with the gradient parameter
- adds endcolor prameter to create custom gradients
- updates readme file with full usage instructions
- adds a flat option to display the progress bar with no inner shadow as suggested by Ciprian Popescu here
- fixed undefined index notices
- added support for dollar progress bars for fundraising or budget reports, e.g. $45 / $50
- added ability to show progress like 50/100 thanks to pull request from RavanH
- added fullwidth parameter thanks to callingmedic911 — this allows the progress bar to have a variable width based on the width of the containing div (not exactly responsive, as suggested here, but it allows the progress bar to be used in sidebars or to take up the full width of the post content area).
- fixes it so either ‘candystripe’ (singular) or ‘candystripes’ (plural) works for candystripes (documentation said singular, code said plural) — resolves: (thanks to dgodfather for pointing this out)
- added “red” as an optional parameter (can go nuts with colors here, but don’t really want to do that yet since it’s just going to add a lot of unused CSS to the stylesheet) | usage [wppb progress=50 option=red]
- added new parameter $percent | usage [wppb progress=50 percent=after] — this will display the percentage after the progress bar; [wppb progress=50 percent=inside] — this will display the percentage on the actual bar itself
- initial commit