Duplicate/Copy/Clone any individual page, post or custom post type from one site on your multisite network to another.
Multisite Post Duplicator can copy the following:
- Custom fields
- Related post meta
- Custom post types on your network (make sure post type exists in your destination site)
- Featured image
- Images within post content
- Tags
- Categories. (If the category doesn’t exist in the destination site then the category is created and assigned to the post)
- Taxonomy terms. (make sure taxonomy is also registered on your destination site).
- Parent and child relationships (must use batch duplication option to achieve this).
- Site Media files to other sites on your network
- ACF Fields
- ACF Field Groups (sync field groups within your network!)
Create a duplication link/syndication
- If you ever update the source post again it will automatically update the duplicated page and keep them in sync.
- Batch Duplication
- Metabox control within Post/page edit screen
- Activity Log. View information on all duplications performed within your network
- Settings page to customise the default behaviour
- Manage you linked duplications. Add/Remove.
- Restrict functionality to only certain sites on your network
- Restrict functionality to users of certain roles
- Select what status you want your new copy of post to be i.e Published, Draft etc
- Specify a prefix for the new post to avoid confusion
- Choose to ignore specific post meta keys in the duplication process
- Create your own addons! Multisite Post Duplicator is now fully extendable. Create your own functionality. Check out the API documentation.
- Check out a list of hooks you can use (
- Upload
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Customise the default behaviour by going to Setting > Multisite Post Duplicator Settings
- Installation Instructions
- Upload
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Customise the default behaviour by going to Setting > Multisite Post Duplicator Settings
- Upload
- Does this only work on a multisite network?
- Can I copy custom post types?
- What about post meta? Will these be copied over?
- Does this work with advanced custom fields?
Yes. However, you have to have the same custom fields defined in each of the sites on your network. To help keep the fields in sync try:
- What about Multisites on Subdomain Configurations?
Unfortunately we don’t support sub domain configurations at this time. You may use it to some extent, but a lot of this plugins features may produce unexpected results. Our plan is to introduce support for this in the near future.
Contributors & Developers
“Multisite Post Duplicator” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Contributors“Multisite Post Duplicator” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.
Translate “Multisite Post Duplicator” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- ACF fields registered via php are now copied (thanks WillyMichel)
- Clone fields containing media now correctly copied (thanks WillyMichel)
- Fixed issue with multiple ACF gallery fields on a single post (thanks WillyMichel)
- Added settings option to make master site terms and term_taxonomy tables global for persistent category id. This way posts that are fed to site and sub-site pages by category ID will always generate based on master site posts. (thanks SpeechlessWick)
- Permalink structure now behaves as expected when copying post to the same site
- Publish date now persists on linked posts if requested (thanks again Iskren Ivov Chernev)
- Bug fixes
- More robust approach to copying categories and tags (thanks to Iskren Ivov Chernev over at github)
- Bug Fixes
- Removed php warnings received in debug mode
- NEW: Now supports Media Post type. Copy single or batched files to different sites on your network!
- Improved and more compatible method of copying images to the destination sites. (no more put_file_contents()!!)
- Bug Fixes
- NEW: MPD now recognises previously copied media files to prevent duplicate media instances when copying the same page multiple times.
- Fixed: Media files are no longer assigned the wrong post_mime_type in some senarios
- Fixed: A linked post’s ‘status’ will now be correctly replicated upon copy.
- NEW: Now copies ACF file field-type.
- Now correctly copies post_slug if it has been updated by user.
- Improved method of post content image collection.
- Users will now see if there is a linked post no matter their role or restrictions.
- NEW: You can now create multiple links to exisiting posts.
- Improved validation on our ‘create a link to existing post’ metabox.
- Fixed: Issue with acf field group duplication not retaining the post heirarchy in some senarios.
- Fixed: Activation error on some versions of php.
- NEW: More intelligent duplication messages.
- NEW: Cool new checkboxes in the settings page (Thanks to
- Fixed: Issue with default ‘post status’ setting giving php notice in debug mode
- Fixed: Issue with multiple duplicate messages showing the same details.
- Fixed: Setting producing undesired behaviour for tags and taxonomies in some scenarios.
- Improved filters used to build the metabox markup
- Improved access to code for developers via various new filters and actions
- Fixed issue with ‘duplication link’ checkbox remaining greyed out when some sites were checked.
- Fixed php warnings experienced in some scenarios.
- Fixed php warnings experienced in some scenarios.
- Fixed ‘duplicating on publish’ bug introduced in v1.5
- NEW: Duplicate Advanced Custom Field’s ‘field groups’ and keep them in sync throughout your network by using our ‘duplication link’ functionality.
- Select all sites on your network quickly with our new ‘select all button’
- Improved performance
- Improved access for developers with the addition of several new hooks.
- NEW: Signposting for networks where custom post types and taxonomies are not synced throughout.
- NEW: Signposting for instances where user’s ‘Advanced Custom Fields Field Groups’ don’t exist in the destination site.
- Improved performance of taxonomy duplication on linked posts.
- Fixed issue where taxonomy terms would not copy in some scenarios.
- Removed some PHP warnings if running in debug mode.
- Fixed issue with new ACF image functions not playing nice with ‘linked’ posts
- NEW: Advanced Custom Field Images from source are now copied to the destination site and are assigned to post properly
- NEW: Now supports copying Advanced Custom Field Gallery field type.
- NEW: Added ability to change ‘Default Post Status’ in settings.
- Add settings link to the plugin list.
- Fixed bug with post’s ancestry not being copied to the root site on a network
- NEW: When using the batch duplication tool if a parent and child are in the duplicate batch then the relationship will be maintained in the desitination site.
- UI Improvements
- Corrected some typos
- Fixed issue with our custom database table not being created on activation of plugin
- Fixed ‘create link to an existing post’ functionality only displaying ‘Post’ Post-Type results
- Fixed issue with linked posts not looking at the ‘ignore most meta keys’ setting.
- Improved efficiency of core duplication function.
- Queries to our ‘Linked Duplications’ db table are now correctly wrapped in wpdb::prepare() to protect from injection hacks.
- Fixed issue where networks with more than 100 sites would have some sites not listed in thier controls (for installs > 4.6)
- Fixed issue where other plugin’s meta data (that are using the ‘save_post’ action) might be missed during the duplication
- General performance improvements
- NEW: Create a link to an existing post!
- Removed unneeded version parameters on enqueued css and javascript files.
- Improved reliability of ‘version compare’ function used in determining user settings.
- Fixed text domain issue for translations.
- Fixed activation error for some users.
Bringing Multisite Post Duplicator into Version 1.0 with a massive update. Really excited to provide this new, continually requested, functionality:
- NEW: Link a duplication!
- If you create a link between the original post and it’s ‘duplicated post’ then whenever you update the original post the ‘duplicated post’ will be updated also! Simply check the box ‘Create Duplication Link’ on the MPD metabox before processing your duplication
- View and edit your linked posts via a handy user interface
- View all posts that a post is linked to via a new MPD Metabox
- Behaviour can be turned off in settings
- Loads of new filters and actions to help developers customise this functionality
- NEW: Duplication activity log!
- Keep track of all posts that have been duplicated within your multisite network.
- Behaviour can be turned off in settings
- NEW: Settings page has been cleaned up. Looks a lot lets cluttered.
- Added: Filter ‘mpd_list_metabox_priority’ and for developers to change priority of MPD Metaboxes
- Fixed: Error on activation of plugin in a non-multisite installation.
- Fixed: Problems with the setup to allow plugin translations
- Fixed critical error experienced by some users from update v0.9.5
- Subdomain warning message can now be dismissed. Also has improved signposting.
- NEW: Added setting to let you retain the source post publish date if you wish.
- NEW: Added font-awesome for some nice icons in our UI
- Added signposting for users trying to use this plugin on a subdomain configuration.
- Fixed various typos and spelling mistakes throughout the plugin.
- Added new action ‘mpd_extend_activation’ so developers may hook into the plugin’s activation process.
- NEW: Support for WordPress’ new WP_Site_Query (get_sites()) class.
- Fixed issue with featured images not copying over for some users (thanks joedev91).
- Fixed issue with unwanted post meta upon duplication process (thanks joedev91).
- Fixed php warnings experienced by some users
- Fixed bug where restricted sites were still showing up on the MPD metabox list.
- Fixed bug where batch duplication functionality was lost when viewing a page list ‘search results’.
- Fixed issue that could cause users to lose some settings when upgrading.
- NEW (finally): Copy post taxonomy terms. This behaviour assumes that the taxonomies terms being duplicated are from taxonomies that are registered on the destination site.
- NEW: Add list of post meta keys to ignore in settings.
- Fixed bug where category wouldn’t copy if the term id didn’t marry up with the destination term id.
- Fixed bug where categories with special characters would cause unexpected results
- Some UI improvements
- Added ‘mpd_source_data’ filter to allow hooking into the source post data
- NEW: Copy post categories. If the category doesn’t exist in the destination site then the category is created and assigned to the post (Can be turned on or off in Settings).
- Added filter to allow access to post statuses. See support thread for details.
- Added sign-posting if user activates this plugin on a non multisite wordpress installation.
- Fix for file_get_content() not collecting image data on multisites running SSL that store files without a protocol. Thanks Pedro Freitas!
- NEW: Restrict access to this plugin’s functionality to users with certain roles.
- Fixed issue with excerpts not copying
- Improved access to ‘mpd_show_settings_page’ filter
- NEW: Create your own addons! Multisite Post Duplicator is now fully extendable. Create your own functionality. Check out the API documentation. And here is a list of hooks you can use: ( We’ve even created a couple of core addons if you want have nosey at how they are hooked in.
- NEW CORE ADDON: Batch Duplication! You can now duplicate several pages at a time from the post/page list screen.
- NEW CORE ADDON: Restrict MPD! You can now restrict the ability to duplicate from certain sites on your network.
- FIXED: Issue with generated destination URL of attached media from root site.
- Fixed issues with attached media files when duplicating a page that has aleady been duplicated
- Fixed issues with featured images when duplicating a page that has aleady been duplicated
- Fixed site path showing incorrectly in new image url (cosmetic change to avoid confusion, both resolve to same location)
- NEW: Now copies featured images from posts (can be turned off in Settings page)
- NEW: Now copies any image media within the post content to the destination site (can be turned off in Settings page).
- NEW: Now copies post tags (can be turned off in Settings page)
- NEW: Admin notice on success of duplication. Has a link to go straight to the new post
- NEW: Submit button on WordPress post edit page will now update to show that a duplication has been requested
- FIXED: Fixed User prefix having unintentional double space in some scenarios
- Settings page now global for all sites in the multisite network
- Cleaned up Settings page and added tooltips
- Prepared plugin for localisation (any translators welcome to contact me please!)
- Cleaned code for improved efficiency
- Now handles custom post statuses.
- Added Meta Box within the post type so you can now duplicate your post to another site on your network as you work (Thanks to Sergi Ambel!).
- Added Settings page to customise default behaviour.
- Fixed Activation errors.
- You can now filter by ‘any’ post type.
- Fixed bug where all posts were not appearing in certain scenarios
- Added support for Contact Form 7
- Duplication now correctly deals with serialised post meta
- Initial Release