A calendar plugin supporting multiple calendars, recurring events, and several different widgets / shortcodes. More info at
Basic features include:
- Recurring Events
- Multiple Color Labels
- Multiple Shortcodes and Widgets
- Full sized calendar
- Sexy Google Calendar UI
- Events can be attached to any Post, Page, or custom post type
- Premium support and custom development available
- Quick Start Guide
Premium features available:
- Display schedule information within post content
- iCal feeds
- SMART event ordering for WordPress queries
- RSS 1.0 & 2.0, ATOM, and RDF feeds
- Backup & Export FullThrottle Calendar data to a CSV file
- Import FullThrottle Calendar data from a CSV file
- Import Event Calendar 3 data from the WordPress database
FT Calendar
Copyright (C) 2011 Full Throttle Development, LLC.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
- Upload the entire
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
folder. - Go to the ‘Plugins’ page in the menu and activate the plugin.
- Create at least one calendar.
- Type
into any Post or Page you want FT Calendar to be displayed in. - Visit the FT Calendar Help page inside your WordPress dashboard to discover more shortcodes and widgets
- What are the minimum requirements for FT Calendar?
You must have:
- WordPress 3.0 or later
- PHP 5
Contributors & Developers
“FT Calendar” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “FT Calendar” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Fixes for widget options saving in WordPress 4.4
*Fixes for WordPress 4.4
*Fixes for custom post type UI
*Fixes for WP-Widget class
- Fixes for WordPress 3.5 compatibility
- Capability fixes for menus
- Fixed iCal bug causing the BYDAY argument to not reset upon each new event
- General Code Cleanup
- Change call to bloginfo for Next/Prev day links
- Added filter for daily GMT offset text
- Fixed typo causing issues with translation files
- Added four new filters for the post schedule shortcode: post_schedule_start_date_format, post_schedule_end_date_format, post_schedule_start_time_format, post_schedule_end_time_format
- Added ability to change the dateformat and timeformat to the post schedule shortcode
- Added additional argument (event data array) to the current ftc_custom_replacement_tags filter
- Fixed iCal bug causing single-day all day events to span multiple days
- Fixed iCal/Permalink bug
- Added temporary fix to write-edit-post.js file for people with jquery issues
- Changed parseCSV class name and references to avoid conflicts
- Added hide_duplicates argument to ftcalendar and Calendar Thumb Widget
- Fixed Full Throttle Client compatibility with Simple Maps
- Fixed header error in wp-admin panel
- Fixed date argument bug in ftcalendar_list
- Added check for GET variable on ftcalendar_list pages to change the start date
- Fixed Post Schedule displaying events that have already passed
- Added ftcalendar_post_schedule shortcode
- Fixed script and CSS enqueue for shortcodes in WordPress 3.3
- Code Cleanup
- Fixed timezone bug in iCal feeds
- Fixed bug in legend=”off” setting for large calendar
- Fixed bug in recurring events datepicker jQuery call
- Added new filter: ftc_custom_replacement_tags to add custom tags to the ftcalendar_list shortcode
- Modified submenu to work with WP 3.3
- Gave the Add Event UI a little bit of love
- Added clean_post_cache function to event list shortcode/widget, to help reduce PHP memory overhead for large queries.
- Added beta Italian translation
- Fixed many iCal bugs
- Fixed bug with non-permalink sites using RSS and iCal feeds
- Updated get_ftcal_data_ids filter hooks and added select hook
- Updated POT file
- Added ftcal_through filter, to replace the “-” with the text/symbol of your choice
- Fixed Post Schedule formatting
- General Code Cleanup
- Fixed bug causing schedule to appear twice on excerpts
- Added functionality to ftcalendar_list shortcode/widget, so it displays events that are current (not yet ended)
- Added filter to force ftcalendar_list to start at 00:00:00 today, instead of “now”
- Updated ftcalendar_list widget to include “0” in the timespan, for “today” events displays (e.g. +0 days)
- Added Dutch tranlsation files (nl_NL) thanks to Helma Paternostre of
- Added German tranlsation files (de_DE) thanks to Nathaniel Stott of
- Added text to Calendar Data meta box to state which calendar a specific event is listed in
- Localized Javascript files
- General Code Cleanup
- Changed Upcoming Event Lists to pay attention to TIME not just DAY, so events that happened minutes ago do not appear
- Fixed internationalization bug
- Fixed Widget ID tags
- Fixed EXCERPT bug in Upcoming Event List
- Fixed permalink bug in Calendar Thumb widget
- Fixed permalink bug in Large Calendar
- Added “date” argument to ftcalendar_list shortcode
- Add POT file for language translations, hopefully will be getting some soon
- Calendar now considers WordPress “Start Week On” setting under Settings -> General
- Fixed bug causing RSS and iCal feed icons to re-appear when switching calendar views
- Added new shortcode argument %CALNAME% to the ‘class’ variable
- Added new shortcode argument %CALNAME% & %CALSLUG% *_template variable in ftcalendar_list
- Added new shortcode argument %CALNAME% to the ‘class’ variable.
- Added new shortcode argument %CALNAME% *_template variable in ftcalendar_list.
- Updated main plugin URL
- Fixed timezone bug with event listing on recurring events
- Efficiency updates
- Added argument to Hide Duplicates for ftcalendar_list shortcode and widget
- Efficiency updates
- Fixed bug with timezone calculation in iCal feeds
- Fixed bug with sorting recurring events times.
- Rebuilt RSS feeds to follow RSS standards
- Added filter for prev/next calendar arrows
- Fixed timezone issue with non-recurring events (if server time is off)
- Fixed small bugs found in ATOM and RDF feeds
- Added filters to modify main get_ftcal_data_ids() query
- Fixed infinite loop problem caused if you include a ftcalendar_list shortcode inside a post with event details
- Added multiple checkboxes to Widgets to choose multiple calendars
- Added str_ireplace function for older PHP version compatibility
- Fixed bug with day URL on the Month/Week calendar
- Fixed bug with day not changing to the current day being viewed on the Day calendar
- Fixed iCal feeds for non-permalinked sites
- Added feed-ical.php file, forgot to add it for 1.1.8
- Fixed RSS feed URLs
- Added iCal feeds
- Fixed bug in current_day class name calculation
- Added ability to display schedule within post content
- Fixed bug in JavaScript when setting “Repeats Every” for recurring events in Internet Explorer
- Added SMART Event Ordering
- Added upgrade() function for changes made to plugin that require DB updates
- Set Recurring End Dates to NULL if not defined (instead of current datetime)
- Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Upcoming event feeds available for all and specific FT Calendar calendars
- Fixed bug in widgets, was incorrectly using term name for the value instead of the term slug
- Fixed weekly recurring bug, calculation errors
- Fixed bug causing calendar to disappear with the legend turned off
- Fixed bug preventing IE from changing the label color
- Fixed minor error showing when looking at the help page with no calendars defined
- Fixed minor bug causing Legend to display entire list of calendars, even when ‘calendars’ shortcode arg is set
- Fixed weekly recursion calculation error
- Fixed monthly recursion JS and calculation error when “day of the week” is selected
- Fixed “day” link on Month and Week calendar
- Added ability to export FT Calendar data as a CSV file
- Added ability to import FT Calendar CSV file
- Added ability to import Event Calendar 3 data from DB table
- Fixed bug in weekly recurring events
- Fixed bug preventing calendar label color from not appearing properly when editing the taxonomy
- Added missing i18n fields
- Typo in Event Calendar List argument, named “LINK” but defaulted to “URL”. Set both as acceptable arguments.
- Fixed bug related to recurring monthly and yearly events not displaying properly
- Initial Premium Release
- Initial WordPress Release
- Beta Release