(English Description down below)
Das NOVALNET Payment-Modul für Easy Digital Downloads bietet seinen Nutzern eine Vielzahl an hilfreichen Features, die das t?gliche Arbeiten mit dem Easy Digital Downloads Shopsystem vereinfachen. Beispielsweise werden alle g?ngigen Zahlungsmethoden in nur einem Modul angeboten vom Rechnungskauf über das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat bis hin zur Kreditkarte. Kreditkartenzahlungen k?nnen zus?tzlich durch das 3D Secure-Verfahren abgesichert werden, um Shop-Betreibern zus?tzliche Sicherheit zu bieten. Damit geh?rt das Modul der NOVALNET zu einem der beliebtesten Extensions im Bereich Payment.
Folgende Funktionen k?nnen Sie mit dem Payment-Modul direkt über den Shop-Adminverwalten:
- Einfache M?glichkeit zum Best?tigen und Stornieren von On Hold-Transaktione
- Einfaches Durchführen von Rückerstattungen aus der Shop-Admin heraus
- Flexible Abonnementverwaltung für wiederkehrende Zahlungen
- Flexibles Affiliate Management für Partnerprogramm-Betreiber
- Kinderleichtes Konfigurieren des Risikomanagements
- Komfortable Statusmeldung bei Zahlungseing?ngen von Rechnungskauf sowie Vorauskasse
- übersichtliches Status Management für Chargebacks sowie SEPA-Rücklastschriften
- übersichtliches Status Management für die Zahlarten PayPal, Online-überweisung, Vorauskasse und Kauf auf Rechnung
- Vorhalten von Bestelldaten bei Kaufabbrüchen
- Bequeme E-Mail-Benachrichtigungsfunktion über Statusmeldungen der Zahlungen
- Einfache Konfigurationsm?glichkeit für alle Zahlungsarten
Genie?en Sie au?erdem weitere Vorteile mit unserer Payment Extension
- Einfache Einbindung in Ihren Bestellprozess – es wird keine externe Seite aufgerufen
- Alle Zahlungsarten über das Modul verfügbar
- PCI DSS complaint – keine eigene Zertifizierung n?tig!
Alle Zahlungsarten über unsere Schnittstelle
- Kreditkarten: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debitkarten: Maestro
- Online-überweisungen: SOFORT überweisung, eps, iDEAL, giropay und Przelewy24
- PayPal
- Vorkasse, Rechnung, SEPA Lastschrift
- Kauf auf Rechnung, Kauf auf Rechnung mit Zahlungsgarantie
- Ratenkauf mit Zahlungsgarantie
Auf Nummer sicher gehen mit unserer Betrugspr?vention
Die intelligente Novalnet-Betrugspr?vention ist abh?ngig von Zahlungsart, Produktpalette und Warenkorbgr??e. Durch zahlreiche, unabh?ngig zuschaltbare Fraudmodule verringert sich Ihre Zahlungsausfallquote spürbar.
Folgende L?sungen stellen wir Ihnen in unserer NOVALNET Admin zur Verfügung:
- Eine Plattform für alle Zahlungsarten (Rechnung, Vorkasse, Online-überweisung, PayPal u.v.m.)
- Optional automatische Rechnungserstellung für Endkunden
- Treuh?nderische Gelderverwaltung m?glich
- Risikomanagement mit über 40 Betrugspr?ventionsma?nahmen (FRAUDS)
- Kostenfreier technischer Support bei Einbindung und bei Betrieb des Zahlungsmoduls
- Attraktive und flexible Auszahlungsmodalit?ten
- Bei Zahlungsausfall frei einstellbares, optional kostenloses Forderungsmanagement
- Kostenloses realtime Monitoring. Ihr Checkoutprozess wird vor Kaufabbrüchen überwacht
- Optionale Mitgliederverwaltung
- Spezielles Endkundenportal für Rückfragen zur Transaktion
- Umfangreiches Debitorenmanagement mit diversen Exportm?glichkeiten für Buchhaltungsprogramme
- Einfache SEPA-Lastschrift-L?sung. Sie müssen kein separates Bankkonto er?ffnen
The Easy Digital Downloads payment plugin from NOVALNET simplifies your daily work by automating the entire payment process. This plugin is designed to help you increase your sales by offering various international and local payment methods on a one-page checkout.
The following services are integrated and ready for your use: Debt collection, Risk management, Member management, Subscription management, Fraud management, Affiliate program, Real-time monitoring, detail statistics & report etc. Thus you receive an all-in-one solution: the extension which is perfectly adjusted to Easy Digital Downloads and the top-quality range of services of the payment provider Novalnet.
Through the individuality and flexibility you can choose which payment methods and services you need.
Our team of highly qualified professionals is fully dedicated to serve and assist you in the entire payment process setup and maintenance.
Get now a seamless integration with the various types of payments and payment-related services integrated in the one unique platform.
- One platform for all payment types and related services
- No redirection – user stays entirely on your website for payment
- Fast checkout that allows users to save their payment details
- Easy way of managing on-hold transactions
- Dynamic subscription and member management for recurring payments
- Effortless configuration of risk management with fraud prevention and payment method control
- Status management for chargeback as well as return debit
- Clear real-time overview of payment status
- Automated e-mail notification function concerning payment status reports
- Easy configuration for all payment methods
Key Features
- Seamless and fast integration of the payment extension
- Complete automation of payment processes
- One page checkout no redirection to third party websites
- No PCI DSS certification required
- Subscription update payment method
- Subscription cancel in admin end
- Creditcard: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debit card: Maestro
- Online Transfer : Sofort, Online bank transfer, eps, iDEAL, giropay and Przelewy24
- PayPal
- Prepayment, Invoice Payment, SEPA Direct Debit and Barzahlen/viacash
- Invoice with payment guarantee, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee
More than 30 fraud prevention modules integrated: Professional fraud prevention solutions and optimal risk minimization in real-time.
- One platform for all relevant payment methods (Credit&Debit cards, Direct Debit, Prepayment, Payment by Invoice, online Bank Transfer, PayPal, iDEAL etc.)
- Risk management with over 40 effective fraud prevention measures
- Free technical support upon integration
- Fully automated debt collection via email, mail, phone
- Multilevel claims management with integrated handover to collection and various export functions for the Accounting
- Automated customized invoice generation
- Free real-time monitoring to prevent payment failures
- Extensive member administration and subscription management
- Secure portal for end user inquiries on the transaction
- Smart affiliate system with automated split conversion of transaction on revenue sharing
- Simple solutions for secure SEPA processing
- Flexible payout methods
About Novalnet AG
Novalnet AG is a financial services institute licensed and supervised by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), specialized in payment solutions world-wide and meeting the highest standards. Years of experience in the e-commerce sector and a continuous development of its range of services and the corresponding service portfolio enable Novalnet AG to provide maximal reliability and client focus to all customers – in every area of payment processing. This way, Novalnet AG supports their customers from the setup process and offers a variety of implemented payment types and intelligent fraud prevention modules as well as a legitimate and reliable receivables and claims management.
Plugin Functionality
- Easy to install and configure
- Plug and Play (Independent plugin, you don’t need any extra plugins or scripts to process the transaction)
- Accepts all major Credit/Debit Cards
- Secure way to process transaction (PCI-certified payment modules)
- Easily compatible with WordPress/Easy Digital Downloads plugin
Please check out our ssl certified Demo Store
Arbitrary section
Connect to Easy Digital Downloads :-
Switch back to the WordPress admin area.
Click on “Downloads” in the menu on the left and click on “Settings” tab.
Click on the “Payment Gateways” tab to configure your Novalnet payment configuration.
Inside the “Payment Gateways” tab you can configure Novalnet global configuration and all available Novalnet payment configuration by enabling each payments in “Gateway Settings”.
Global configuration is structured as follows:
Product activation key Kindly enter the exact key from Novalnet admin area
Tariff ID Kindly select the tariff from the list.
Subscription Tariff ID Kindly select the subscription tariff from the list.
Display payment method logo Option to display the payment logo for all payments. Logo will be displayed at the checkout.
Subscription management Dynamic subscription settings
Notification / Webhook URL Setup Notification / Webhook URL is required to keep the merchant’s database/system synchronized with the Novalnet account (e.g. delivery status).
Payment configuration is structured as follows:
- Enable test mode Option for the respective payment mode to be in live or test mode
Now, follow the below steps to go for live:
Inside the shop (done by you as merchant)
Inside the payment type (done by you as merchant)
Inside the CRM by Novalnet (done by Novalnet as soon as all relevant contract documents are present)
As soon as all steps are completed, you can start with sales straight away!
On any technical problems, please contact [email protected] / 0049-89-923 068 320
Important notice for Online Transfer (Sofortüberweisung):
If you use real transaction data (bank code, bank account number, ect.) real transactions will be performed, even though the test mode is on/activated!
This plugin enables integration of Novalnet payments with a popular e-commerce solution for Easy Digital Downloads. This plugin is 100% free and released under the GNU General Public License. If you have found this script useful a small recommendation as well as a comment on merchant form would be greatly appreciated.
Novalnet payment plugin compatible for Easy Digital Downloads 2.8.x-3.0.4
Novalnet payment plugin compatible till EDD Recurring 2.11.3
Automatic Installation:
- Go to Plugins > “Add New”.
- Download Easy Digital Downloads payment plugin – Novalnet AG from WordPress repository and Click “Install Now” to install the Plugin. A popup window will ask you to confirm your wish to install the Plugin.
If this is the first time you’ve installed a WordPress Plugin, you may need to enter the FTP login credential information. If you’ve installed a Plugin before, it will still have the login information. This information is available through your web server host.
- Click “Proceed” to continue the installation. The resulting installation screen will list the installation as successful or note any problems during the install.
- If successful, click “Activate Plugin” to activate it, or “Return to Plugin Installer” for further actions.
Manual Installation:
- Download Easy Digital Downloads payment plugin – Novalnet AG from WordPress repository to your desktop. (If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the zip to your desktop. )
- Copy the plugin folder and paste into root/wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Go to Plugins (Easy Digital Downloads payment plugin – Novalnet) screen and find the Easy Digital Downloads payment plugin – Novalnet AG” in the list.
- Click “Activate Plugin” to activate it.
- Check the details in the readme file for customization and further instructions.
Now you can get your Product activation key from the Novalnet Admin Portal
For this, kindly log into the Novalnet Admin Portal:
- Go to and click on “Login” (top right). You will be redirected to the login form.
- Inside the Novalnet Admin Portal, choose the tab “Projects” and click on the respective shop in the list you created.
- Now choose the tab “API credentials”.
- Here you can find the necessary details to configure your shop.
Now you have all required details to finish setting up your Easy Digital Downloads shop!
Do I require an Novalnet merchant account before I can use the Easy Digital Downloads Novalnet payment plugin?
Yes, in order to use this plugin and access all popular online payment methods within your Easy Digital Downloads webshop you require a valid and approved Novalnet account. please contact our sales team [email protected] / 0049-89-923 068 320
Where merchant can find Product activation key?
To get the Product activation key, please go to Novalnet Admin Portal – Projects: Project Information – API credentials: API Signature (Product activation key).
How to configure Notification / Webhook URL & PayPal API?
Notification / Webhook Setup
Notification / Webhook URL is required to keep the merchant’s database/system up-to-date and synchronized with Novalnet transaction status. It is mandatory to configure the Notification / Webhook URL in Novalnet Admin Portal.
Novalnet system (via asynchronous) will transmit the information on each transaction and its status to the merchant’s system.
To configure Vendor Script URL, please go to Novalnet Admin Portal – Projects: Project Information – API credentials – Vendor script URL / Notification & Webhook URL.
PayPal API Configuration
To configure PayPal API details, please go to Novalnet Admin Portal – Projects: Project Information – Payment Methods: Payal – Configure.
Does this plugin work with other webshop plugins?
This plugin only works with the Easy Digital Downloads plugin for your WordPress webshop.
Are you looking for other payment modules for webshop software?
Please Find the complete overview of our webshop modules on our website.
Contributors & Developers
“Easy Digital Downloads payment plugin – Novalnet AG” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- [New] Implemented Online bank transfer payment
- [New] Implemented Refund API request as per the shop default process
- [Fix] Compatibility for PHP version 8
- [Fix] Adjusted payment plugin to support shop tax values
- [Enhanced] For IBAN-specific countries, the BIC field displayed for payments like Direct Debit SEPA and Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee
- [Enhanced] Updated payment logo for Sofort payment
- [Enhanced] Callback has been optimized as per the new testcase
- [Fix] Updated IP address to get the actual IP of Novalnet server
- [Enhanced] Client key configuration set hidden in Novalnet Global configuration
- [New] Implemented enforce 3D secure payment for countries outside EU
- [New] Implemented Payment duration for Prepayment
- [Fix] Compatibility for WordPress 5.7
- [Fix] Plugin adjusted to place subscription orders using Credit Card 3D secure
- [Fix] Refund notes updated only for the corresponding recurring order
- [Fix] Plugin adjusted to place subscription orders with free trial amount
- [Fix] Plugin updated to restrict overriding of the TID for the same order
- [New] Implemented update payment method feature for subscription payments
- [Fix] One-time discount amount calculated for subscription recurring orders
- [Fix] Subscription status changed from “Active” to “Complete” after entire subscription cycles get completed
- [Fix] Adjusted payment plugin to get exact amount after tax inclusion
- [Enhanced] Barzahlen payment name and logo
- [New] Implemented Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee and Invoice with payment guarantee
- [New] Implemented new encryption method for redirect payments
- [Enhanced] Creation of order as default before executing payment call in the shopsystem to avoid the missing orders on completion of payment on non-return of end user due to end user closed the browser or time out at payment, etc.
- [Enhanced] Auto configuration call perform via cURL method
- [Enhanced] Callback has been optimized as per the new testcase
- [Removed] Referrer id configuration
- [Removed] PIN by callback and PIN by SMS for Direct Debit SEPA and Invoice payment methods
- [Removed] BIC field for Direct Debit SEPA
- [Removed] Transaction reference in payments
- [Removed] Payment reference configuration for Invoice / prepayment
- [Removed] Autofill and Payment refill for payment data
- [New] Implemented Barzahlen payment method
- [New] Custom checkout overlay for Barzahlen
- [New] Force 3D secure process has been implemented as per predefined filters and settings in the Novalnet admin portal
- [New] Implemented subscription reactivation in vendor script
- [Enhanced] On-hold transaction configuration has been implemented for Credit Card, Direct Debit SEPA, Invoice and PayPal
- [Enhanced] Optimized IP condition check for remote address
- [Enhanced] Dynamic IP control applied through domain instead of static IP in vendor script. Actual IP of Novalnet will be extracted in real time from the domain
- [Removed] Enable debug mode configuration in Merchant script management
- [Fixed] Issue with single iteration Subscription product (Eg: price per month for 1 month)
- [Enhanced] Merchant Administration Portal link has been updated in shop admin
- [Enhanced] Payment module has been optimized
- [Compatible] Tested with WordPress version upto 4.8.1, Easy Digital Downloads version upto 2.8.4
- [New] Auto configuration of vendor credentials
- [New] Payment method “Przelewy24” added
- [New] Credit Card iframe updated
- [New] On-hold transactions for PayPal implemented
- [New] Implemented Novalnet updates page
- [New] Customized CSS settings for Credit Card iframe form
- [Enhanced] Added new parameter in all API calls
- [Enhanced] Updated payment logo for Credit Card and Invoice payment
- [Enhanced] Payment module has been optimized
- [New] Local form implementation for Direct Debit SEPA payment
- [New] eps and giropay payment has been implemented
- [New] Payment reference has been implemented
- [New] Notify URL configuration in shop backend
- [New] Logo control has been implemented in global configuration
- [New] Novalnet fraud module has been implemented for Direct Debit SEPA and invoice payment
- [New] Novalnet Subscription cancel has been integrated
- [Enhanced] Iframe implementation for Credit Card payment
- [Enhanced] Novalnet payment module has been optimized as per new testcase
- First release