You Can Install and Configure the plugin in a few Steps
- For support: Follow me on Twitter @amolinachile
- Install the plugin
- Create a First level page(Ex.: Page Flips)
- Select this first level page in “Settings” page of the plugin
- Upload the Flash Page flip files directly from url( or from your computer(is Easy take a few seconds)
You can publish Page Flips, photo gallery or Digital Paper, by te easy Way in a few steps
- Create a PAge, Child of the First level page created previously(Ex.: Page Flips)
- Write a Title (Ex.: Magazine Edition 1)
- Upload the images with width:994px height:1294px, using the wordpress Media Uploader, and sort the images, the first Image is a “Cover page”
- Add a short title for the first image(the cover, Ex.: Edition 1)
- Save all Changes
- Publish or Update the page.
- Now go to the main Page(Ex.: Page Flips), the Flip books are automatically created so,
Descripcion Espa?ol
Puedes Instalar el plugin en pocos pasos
- Instala el plugin
- Crea una pagina de primer nivel(Ej.: Page Flips)
- Seleciona la pagina de primer nivel en la pagina “Configuracion” del plugin
- Sube los archivos de “Flash Page flip” directo desde la url del fabricante ( o desde tu computador, esto toma pocos segundos y usualmente funciona con la url sugerida en el plugin.
Puedes publicar, una revista, papel digital, un periodico, uan galeria de imagenes, etc, de forma muy facil y en pocos pasos
- Crea una pagina hija o descendiente de la pagina de primer nivel creada anteriormente(Ej.: Page Flips)
- Escribe e ltitulo (Ej.: Magazine Editcion 1)
- Sube las imagenes con el sigueinte tama?o ancho:994px alto:1294px, usando el Uploader de imagenes que tiene el propio WordPress, debes ordenar las imagenes, la imagen no1 corresponde a la portada.
- Agregar un peque?o titulo a la imágen correspondiente a la portada (Ej.: Edicion 1)
- Guarda todos los cambios en la galeria de imagenes.
- Publica o actualiza la p??gina.
- Ahora puedes ir a la pagina de primer nivel en tu wordpress (Ej.: Page Flips), verás que los Flip Books fueron creados de forma automatica, a modo de galeria de imagenes mostrando la portada de cada uno que hayas publicado, con un enlace al Flip book
First Level Page With a list of Child pages (Flip Books) / Listado de Flip Books Cover of Flip Book Open Page in the Flip Book Administration Options Page with Checking Plugin Plugin Settings page About Page First Level page, and Child PAges View A Child Page View Child Page with Image Gallery View New Metabox / Custom Title ScreenShoots
1 Install the plugin
2 Create a First level page(Ex.: Page Flips)
3 Select this first level page in “Settings” page of the plugin
4 Upload the Flash Page flip files directly from url( or from your computer(is Easy take a few seconds)
- Por qué debo instalar el Flash PAge Flip por separado?
Because it belongs to third parties.
- I need special permissions on my folders?
Yes, in your plugin folder need chmod 777 in the first installation, in wp-content folder need chmod 777 in the first installation
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Contributors & Developers
“WordPress Flash Page Flip” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “WordPress Flash Page Flip” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Fix Compatibility isues
- Add Serbo-Croatian language, thanks to Borisa Djuraskovic
- Fix the broken icon in the admin menu
- fix broken images in “Page Flip Gallery”
- fix broken images in “Page Flip detail”
- Add Turkish Languaje Support, Thanks to “ezoryak”
- Now the system Add Title to Page Flip HTML Page (in tag), The title is Writed in this format – OR (Writed in new Metabox under Page Content box whe your Write a new Post)
Example:Before This change(Version 1.0.5)Flash Page Flip, in the new version(1.0.6)Site Name – Flip Book title or Your Custom title
More information see the number 11 Image.
- Fix Broken Global Variable $wpfpf_nombrecorto, when Register Globals Is off on the server
- Fix the error with the value in $wpfpf_thumb_option variable(config.php),you can use “Additional image sizes” plugin to set other dimension for the images thumbnails
- Fix the error when create a new Page, and is not setting the First LEvel PAge in the “Configuration” of the plugin
- Fix Character alert when activate the plugin
- Add some settings in config.php files
- Pages are created automatically in the first level page.