Each WordPress release celebrates an artist who has made an indelible mark on the world of music. WordPress 6.7, code-named “Rollins,” pays tribute to the legendary jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins. Known as one of the greatest improvisers and pioneers in jazz, Rollins has influenced generations of musicians with his technical brilliance, innovative spirit, and fearless approach to musical expression.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Sonny Rollins’ work is characterized by its unmatched energy and emotional depth. His compositions, such as “St. Thomas,” “Oleo,” and “Airegin,” are timeless jazz standards, celebrated for their rhythmic complexity and melodic inventiveness. Rollins’ bold and exploratory style resonates with WordPress’ own commitment to empowering creators to push boundaries and explore new possibilities in digital expression.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Embrace the spirit of innovation and spontaneity that defines Rollins’ sound as you dive into the new features and enhancements of WordPress 6.7.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
WordPress 6.7 debuts the modern Twenty Twenty-Five theme, offering ultimate design flexibility for any blog at any scale. Control your site typography like never before with new font management features. The new Zoom Out feature lets you design your site with a macro view, stepping back from the details to bring the big picture to life.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Twenty Twenty-Five offers a flexible, design-focused theme that lets you build stunning sites with ease. Tailor your aesthetic with an array of style options, block patterns, and color palettes. Pared down to the essentials, this is a theme that can truly grow with you.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Edit and arrange entire sections of your content like never before. A broader view of your site lets you add, edit, shuffle, or remove patterns to your liking. Embrace your inner architect.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
This feature introduces a new UI for connecting blocks to custom fields, putting control of dynamic content directly in the editor. Link blocks with fields in just a few clicks, enhancing flexibility and efficiency when building. Your clients will love you\u2014as if they didn’t already.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Create, edit, remove, and apply font size presets with the next addition to the Styles interface. Override theme defaults or create your own custom font size, complete with fluid typography for responsive font scaling. Get into the details!<\/p>\n\n\n\n
WordPress 6.7 delivers important performance updates, including faster pattern loading, optimized previews in the data views component, improved PHP 8+ support and removal of deprecated code, auto sizes for lazy-loaded images, and more efficient tag processing in the HTML API.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
65+ accessibility fixes and enhancements focus on foundational aspects of the WordPress experience, from improving user interface components and keyboard navigation in the Editor, to an accessible heading on WordPress login screens and clearer labeling throughout.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
For a comprehensive overview of all the new features and enhancements in WordPress 6.7, please visit the feature-showcase website.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Learn WordPress<\/a> is a free resource for new and experienced WordPress users. Learn is stocked with how-to videos on using various features in WordPress, interactive workshops<\/a> for exploring topics in-depth, and lesson plans for diving deep into specific areas of WordPress.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Read the WordPress 6.7 Release Notes<\/a> for information on installation, enhancements, fixed issues, release contributors, learning resources, and the list of file changes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Explore the WordPress 6.7 Field Guide<\/a>. Learn about the changes in this release with detailed developer notes to help you build with WordPress.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Every release comes to you from a dedicated team of enthusiastic contributors who help keep things on track and moving smoothly. The team that has led 6.7 is a cross-functional group of contributors who are always ready to champion ideas, remove blockers, and resolve issues.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing<\/a> and embody the freedoms that come with open source<\/a>. A global and diverse community of people collaborating to strengthen the software supports this effort.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
75thtrombone<\/a> \u00b7 Aaron Jorbin<\/a> \u00b7 Aaron Robertshaw<\/a> \u00b7 Aaron Ware<\/a> \u00b7 aatanasov<\/a> \u00b7 abcsun<\/a> \u00b7 Abha Thakor<\/a> \u00b7 abhi3315<\/a> \u00b7 Abhishek Deshpande<\/a> \u00b7 Abir<\/a> \u00b7 acafourek<\/a> \u00b7 Adam Heckler<\/a> \u00b7 Adam Silverstein<\/a> \u00b7 Adam Wood<\/a> \u00b7 Adam Zieli\u0144ski<\/a> \u00b7 Adarsh Akshat<\/a> \u00b7 Adrian<\/a> \u00b7 aduth<\/a> \u00b7 Ahmar Zaidi<\/a> \u00b7 Ahmed Kabir Chaion<\/a> \u00b7 Ahmed Saeed<\/a> \u00b7 Ahsan Khan<\/a> \u00b7 Ajit Bohra<\/a> \u00b7 Akash Dhawade<\/a> \u00b7 Aki Hamano<\/a> \u00b7 Akira Tachibana<\/a> \u00b7 Akshat Kakkad<\/a> \u00b7 Al-Amin Firdows<\/a> \u00b7 Alan Fuller<\/a> \u00b7 Albert Juhé Lluveras<\/a> \u00b7 Alessandro Tesoro<\/a> \u00b7 Alessio<\/a> \u00b7 Alex Concha<\/a> \u00b7 Alex Cuadra<\/a> \u00b7 Alex Lende<\/a> \u00b7 Alex Stine<\/a> \u00b7 alex27<\/a> \u00b7 Alexander Bigga<\/a> \u00b7 Alexander Frank<\/a> \u00b7 Alexandre Buffet<\/a> \u00b7 Alexandru Horeanu<\/a> \u00b7 Ali Aghdam<\/a> \u00b7 Ali Ali<\/a> \u00b7 allilevine<\/a> \u00b7 Alvaro Gómez<\/a> \u00b7 Alvi Tazwar<\/a> \u00b7 Amin Charoliya<\/a> \u00b7 Amir Abbas<\/a> \u00b7 Amit Raj<\/a> \u00b7 Amjad Ali<\/a> \u00b7 Anand Thakkar<\/a> \u00b7 andergmartins<\/a> \u00b7 Andrea Fercia<\/a> \u00b7 Andrea Roenning<\/a> \u00b7 Andreas Pedersen<\/a> \u00b7 Andrei Draganescu<\/a> \u00b7 Andrei Lupu<\/a> \u00b7 andreiglingeanu<\/a> \u00b7 Andrew Hayward<\/a> \u00b7 Andrew Ozz<\/a> \u00b7 Andrew Serong<\/a> \u00b7 Andrey \"Rarst\" Savchenko<\/a> \u00b7 Andr\u00e9 Maneiro<\/a> \u00b7 Andy Fragen<\/a> \u00b7 Angelika Reisiger<\/a> \u00b7 Aniket Patel<\/a> \u00b7 Ankit K Gupta<\/a> \u00b7 Ankit K. Gupta<\/a> \u00b7 Ankit Kumar Shah<\/a> \u00b7 Ankur Vishwakarma<\/a> \u00b7 Anne McCarthy<\/a> \u00b7 Anthony Burchell<\/a> \u00b7 Anthony Hortin<\/a> \u00b7 Antoine<\/a> \u00b7 Anton<\/a> \u00b7 Antonio Sejas<\/a> \u00b7 Anveshika Srivastava<\/a> \u00b7 apermo<\/a> \u00b7 apmeyer<\/a> \u00b7 Ari Stathopoulos<\/a> \u00b7 Armando J. Perez Carreno<\/a> \u00b7 Armands<\/a> \u00b7 arnaudbroes<\/a> \u00b7 Art Smith<\/a> \u00b7 Artemio Morales<\/a> \u00b7 Arthur Chu<\/a> \u00b7 arypneta<\/a> \u00b7 asafm7<\/a> \u00b7 Aslam Doctor<\/a> \u00b7 Autumn<\/a> \u00b7 Ayesh Karunaratne<\/a> \u00b7 Bård Bjerke Johannessen<\/a> \u00b7 Béryl de La Grandière<\/a> \u00b7 Balu B<\/a> \u00b7 Barry Ceelen<\/a> \u00b7 Bart Kalisz<\/a> \u00b7 Beatriz Fialho<\/a> \u00b7 Ben Dwyer<\/a> \u00b7 Benedikt Ledl<\/a> \u00b7 Benjamin Denis<\/a> \u00b7 Benjamin Zekavica<\/a> \u00b7 Benoit Chantre<\/a> \u00b7 Bernhard Kau<\/a> \u00b7 Bernhard Reiter<\/a> \u00b7 Bernhard Riedl<\/a> \u00b7 bernhard-reiter<\/a> \u00b7 berubenic<\/a> \u00b7 Bhavesh Desai<\/a> \u00b7 Bijit Deb<\/a> \u00b7 Birgit Pauli-Haack<\/a> \u00b7 blindmikey<\/a> \u00b7 bluantinoo<\/a> \u00b7 bobbyleenoblestudios<\/a> \u00b7 Bogdan Nikolic<\/a> \u00b7 Brad<\/a> \u00b7 brad hogan<\/a> \u00b7 Brad Jorsch<\/a> \u00b7 Brandon Kraft<\/a> \u00b7 Brent Jett<\/a> \u00b7 Brett Shumaker<\/a> \u00b7 Brian Alexander<\/a> \u00b7 Brian Coords<\/a> \u00b7 Brian Gardner<\/a> \u00b7 Brian Gosnell<\/a> \u00b7 Brian Henry<\/a> \u00b7 bridgetwes<\/a> \u00b7 brobken<\/a> \u00b7 Bruno Freiberger Garcia<\/a> \u00b7 Cambabutonono<\/a> \u00b7 Carlos Bravo<\/a> \u00b7 Carlos G. P.<\/a> \u00b7 Carolina Nymark<\/a> \u00b7 Carsten Bach<\/a> \u00b7 cbirdsong<\/a> \u00b7 charleslf<\/a> \u00b7 Chirag Mathur<\/a> \u00b7 ChriCo<\/a> \u00b7 Chris Reynolds<\/a> \u00b7 Chris Trynkiewicz (Sukces Strony)<\/a> \u00b7 Christopher Finke<\/a> \u00b7 Christopher Kanitz<\/a> \u00b7 Christos Paloukas<\/a> \u00b7 Christy Nyiri<\/a> \u00b7 Ciprian<\/a> \u00b7 codersantosh<\/a> \u00b7 Colin Stewart<\/a> \u00b7 Corey Worrell<\/a> \u00b7 Courtney Robertson<\/a> \u00b7 craynor<\/a> \u00b7 creativethemeshq<\/a> \u00b7 Crixu<\/a> \u00b7 Cullen Whitmore<\/a> \u00b7 Cupid Chakma<\/a> \u00b7 cweiske<\/a> \u00b7 Cyrille<\/a> \u00b7 da5f656f<\/a> \u00b7 Dademaru<\/a> \u00b7 daleharrison<\/a> \u00b7 Damon Cook<\/a> \u00b7 Damon Cook<\/a> \u00b7 Dani Guardiola<\/a> \u00b7 Daniel Post<\/a> \u00b7 Daniel Richards<\/a> \u00b7 Daniele Scasciafratte<\/a> \u00b7 Danny<\/a> \u00b7 dannyreaktiv<\/a> \u00b7 darerodz<\/a> \u00b7 Dareth NHANG<\/a> \u00b7 Darren Ethier (nerrad)<\/a> \u00b7 Darren Hewer<\/a> \u00b7 Darshit Rajyaguru<\/a> \u00b7 daveagp<\/a> \u00b7 David<\/a> \u00b7 David Ballarin Prunera<\/a> \u00b7 David Baumwald<\/a> \u00b7 David Bi\u0148ovec<\/a> \u00b7 David Bowman<\/a> \u00b7 David Brown<\/a> \u00b7 David Calhoun<\/a> \u00b7 David Godleman<\/a> \u00b7 David Henriet<\/a> \u00b7 David Herrera<\/a> \u00b7 David Levine<\/a> \u00b7 David Rozando<\/a> \u00b7 David Shanske<\/a> \u00b7 David Smith<\/a> \u00b7 ddewan<\/a> \u00b7 Dean Sas<\/a> \u00b7 DEBARGHYA BANERJEE<\/a> \u00b7 Deepak Rohilla<\/a> \u00b7 Deepak Vijayan<\/a> \u00b7 Dekadinious<\/a> \u00b7 Dennis Snell<\/a> \u00b7 Derek Smart<\/a> \u00b7 Deryck<\/a> \u00b7 designsimply<\/a> \u00b7 Devansh Chaudhary<\/a> \u00b7 devspace<\/a> \u00b7 Dhananjay Kuber<\/a> \u00b7 Dharmesh Patel<\/a> \u00b7 Dhrumil Kumbhani<\/a> \u00b7 Dhruval Shah<\/a> \u00b7 Dhruvang21<\/a> \u00b7 Dilip Bheda<\/a> \u00b7 Dilip Modhavadiya<\/a> \u00b7 dimplemodi<\/a> \u00b7 Dion Hulse<\/a> \u00b7 Divi Banks<\/a> \u00b7 dj.cowan<\/a> \u00b7 djennez<\/a> \u00b7 Doni Kuntoro<\/a> \u00b7 dooperweb<\/a> \u00b7 Dor Zuberi<\/a> \u00b7 Doug Wollison<\/a> \u00b7 Drew Jaynes<\/a> \u00b7 Drivingralle<\/a> \u00b7 drzraf<\/a> \u00b7 Earle Davies<\/a> \u00b7 eballeste<\/a> \u00b7 eclev91<\/a> \u00b7 Ed Beck<\/a> \u00b7 Edith Milagros Loayza Barazorda<\/a> \u00b7 ejnwebmaster<\/a> \u00b7 elfu98<\/a> \u00b7 Elio Rivero<\/a> \u00b7 Ella van\u00a0Durpe<\/a> \u00b7 Elliott Richmond<\/a> \u00b7 Emmanuel Atsé<\/a> \u00b7 Emmanuel Hesry<\/a> \u00b7 emmanuel78<\/a> \u00b7 Enrico Battocchi<\/a> \u00b7 Enrique Sánchez<\/a> \u00b7 Eric Dye<\/a> \u00b7 Eric Michel<\/a> \u00b7 Erik<\/a> \u00b7 erikiva<\/a> \u00b7 erikyo<\/a> \u00b7 Eroan Boyer<\/a> \u00b7 Eshaan Dabasiya<\/a> \u00b7 Evan Herman<\/a> \u00b7 Evan Mullins<\/a> \u00b7 Fabian K\u00e4gy<\/a> \u00b7 Fabian Todt<\/a> \u00b7 Fabio Rubioglio<\/a> \u00b7 FahimMurshed<\/a> \u00b7 Faisal Ahammad<\/a> \u00b7 Faisal Alvi<\/a> \u00b7 Faizan Nabi<\/a> \u00b7 Farhan Ahmed<\/a> \u00b7 Fayyaz<\/a> \u00b7 Felix Arntz<\/a> \u00b7 Felix Renicks<\/a> \u00b7 Fernando Jorge Mota (a11n)<\/a> \u00b7 finntown<\/a> \u00b7 Firoz Sabaliya<\/a> \u00b7 Francis Cabusas<\/a> \u00b7 Francisco<\/a> \u00b7 Frank B.<\/a> \u00b7 Fransisca H<\/a> \u00b7 fullworks<\/a> \u00b7 Gale Wallace<\/a> \u00b7 gansbrest<\/a> \u00b7 Gareth Elwell<\/a> \u00b7 Garrett Hyder<\/a> \u00b7 Gary Pendergast<\/a> \u00b7 Gaurav Tiwari<\/a> \u00b7 gauravsingh7<\/a> \u00b7 Georg<\/a> \u00b7 George Mamadashvili<\/a> \u00b7 Gerardo Pacheco<\/a> \u00b7 Germán Freixinós<\/a> \u00b7 ghinamt<\/a> \u00b7 Glynn Quelch<\/a> \u00b7 gmariani405<\/a> \u00b7 GraemeF<\/a> \u00b7 Grant M. Kinney<\/a> \u00b7 greentreefrog<\/a> \u00b7 GreenWorld<\/a> \u00b7 Greg Zi\u00f3\u0142kowski<\/a> \u00b7 Guido Scialfa<\/a> \u00b7 Gyurmey<\/a> \u00b7 Héctor Prieto<\/a> \u00b7 Halil ESEN<\/a> \u00b7 Hannes Leismann<\/a> \u00b7 Hans Jörg Klemenz<\/a> \u00b7 Hans-Gerd Gerhards<\/a> \u00b7 Hardip Parmar<\/a> \u00b7 Hareesh S<\/a> \u00b7 Harper Holsinger<\/a> \u00b7 Harsh Gajipara<\/a> \u00b7 Harshal Kadu<\/a> \u00b7 harshvaishnav<\/a> \u00b7 Haz<\/a> \u00b7 hectorjarquin<\/a> \u00b7 hedgefield<\/a> \u00b7 Helen Hou-Sandi<\/a> \u00b7 Henrique Iamarino<\/a> \u00b7 Himanshu Pathak<\/a> \u00b7 hirschferkel<\/a> \u00b7 Hit Bhalodia<\/a> \u00b7 Hossein<\/a> \u00b7 htmgarcia<\/a> \u00b7 huubl<\/a> \u00b7 Huzaifa Al Mesbah<\/a> \u00b7 Ibrahim<\/a> \u00b7 Ibrahim Riaz<\/a> \u00b7 Imran Hossain (a11n)<\/a> \u00b7 Indira Biswas<\/a> \u00b7 Isabel Brison<\/a> \u00b7 IT Path Solutions<\/a> \u00b7 itapress<\/a> \u00b7 Ivan Ottinger<\/a> \u00b7 Jack Stevens<\/a> \u00b7 Jacob Cassidy<\/a> \u00b7 Jacob Smith<\/a> \u00b7 Jagir Bahesh<\/a> \u00b7 Jainil Shah<\/a> \u00b7 Jakob Trost<\/a> \u00b7 James Koster<\/a> \u00b7 James Osborne<\/a> \u00b7 James Rosado<\/a> \u00b7 James Wesley Goedert<\/a> \u00b7 Jan Pfeil<\/a> \u00b7 janak Kaneriya<\/a> \u00b7 Jarda Snajdr<\/a> \u00b7 jarekmorawski<\/a> \u00b7 Jarko Piironen<\/a> \u00b7 Jason Bahl<\/a> \u00b7 Jason LeMahieu (MadtownLems)<\/a> \u00b7 javad2000<\/a> \u00b7 Javier Arce<\/a> \u00b7 Jawad Malik<\/a> \u00b7 Jay<\/a> \u00b7 Jayadevan k<\/a> \u00b7 jbrya029<\/a> \u00b7 JD Ahir<\/a> \u00b7 jdnd<\/a> \u00b7 Jean-Baptiste Audras<\/a> \u00b7 Jeff Chi<\/a> \u00b7 Jeff Ong<\/a> \u00b7 Jeffrey de Wit<\/a> \u00b7 Jeffrey Paul<\/a> \u00b7 Jenil Kanani<\/a> \u00b7 Jennifer Farhat<\/a> \u00b7 Jenny Dupuy<\/a> \u00b7 Jeremy Felt<\/a> \u00b7 Jeremy Herve<\/a> \u00b7 Jerry Jones<\/a> \u00b7 Jesko Bendmann<\/a> \u00b7 Jessica Lyschik<\/a> \u00b7 Jetal dobariya<\/a> \u00b7 Jigar Panchal<\/a> \u00b7 jimmyh61<\/a> \u00b7 Joe Cartonia<\/a> \u00b7 Joe Dolson<\/a> \u00b7 Joe Hoyle<\/a> \u00b7 Joe McGill<\/a> \u00b7 Joen Asmussen<\/a> \u00b7 John Blackbourn<\/a> \u00b7 John Espiritu<\/a> \u00b7 John Godley<\/a> \u00b7 John James Jacoby<\/a> \u00b7 John Regan<\/a> \u00b7 JohnRDOrazio<\/a> \u00b7 Jon Surrell<\/a> \u00b7 Jonas<\/a> \u00b7 Jonathan Bossenger<\/a> \u00b7 Jonathan Desrosiers<\/a> \u00b7 Jonny Harris<\/a> \u00b7 Jonny Waters<\/a> \u00b7 jordesign<\/a> \u00b7 Jorge Costa<\/a> \u00b7 Jos Klever<\/a> \u00b7 Jose Varghese<\/a> \u00b7 Josepha<\/a> \u00b7 Joshua Goode<\/a> \u00b7 Jossnaz<\/a> \u00b7 Juan Aldasoro<\/a> \u00b7 JuanMa Garrido<\/a> \u00b7 juanwp22<\/a> \u00b7 julianoe<\/a> \u00b7 Julie Moynat<\/a> \u00b7 Juliette Reinders Folmer<\/a> \u00b7 Julio Potier<\/a> \u00b7 Juned Sabaliya<\/a> \u00b7 Justin Tadlock<\/a> \u00b7 jzern<\/a> \u00b7 K. Adam White<\/a> \u00b7 Kaavya Iyer (woo-hc)<\/a> \u00b7 Kadim Gültekin<\/a> \u00b7 KafleG<\/a> \u00b7 Kai Hao<\/a> \u00b7 Kajal Gohel<\/a> \u00b7 Kamal Hosen<\/a> \u00b7 Kamran Hussen<\/a> \u00b7 Karan Gupta<\/a> \u00b7 Karol Manijak<\/a> \u00b7 Karthick<\/a> \u00b7 Karthik Thayyil<\/a> \u00b7 Kartik Mehta<\/a> \u00b7 Kartik Suthar<\/a> \u00b7 Kazuto Takeshita<\/a> \u00b7 kbrownkd (a11n)<\/a> \u00b7 Keffr3n<\/a> \u00b7 Kel Santiago-Pilarski<\/a> \u00b7 Kellen Mace<\/a> \u00b7 Kelly Choyce-Dwan<\/a> \u00b7 keoshi<\/a> \u00b7 Ketan Niruke<\/a> \u00b7 Kevin Behrens<\/a> \u00b7 Kevin Taron<\/a> \u00b7 kevinswalsh<\/a> \u00b7 Khokan Sardar<\/a> \u00b7 Kim Clow<\/a> \u00b7 Kira Schroder<\/a> \u00b7 Kishan Jasani<\/a> \u00b7 kisquian<\/a> \u00b7 Kjell Reigstad<\/a> \u00b7 kkmuffme<\/a> \u00b7 Knut Sparhell<\/a> \u00b7 Kowsar Hossain<\/a> \u00b7 kracked888<\/a> \u00b7 Krishna Neupane<\/a> \u00b7 kristastevens<\/a> \u00b7 KristinCodesWP<\/a> \u00b7 Krupa Nanda<\/a> \u00b7 Krupal Panchal<\/a> \u00b7 Kunal Madhak<\/a> \u00b7 Kunjan Gohel<\/a> \u00b7 Kurt Payne<\/a> \u00b7 Kushang Tailor<\/a> \u00b7 Lae<\/a> \u00b7 Lara Schenck<\/a> \u00b7 lastsplash (a11n)<\/a> \u00b7 Laura Byrne<\/a> \u00b7 laurelfulford<\/a> \u00b7 Lauren<\/a> \u00b7 Lawrence Joe<\/a> \u00b7 Lee Collings<\/a> \u00b7 leemon<\/a> \u00b7 Lena Morita<\/a> \u00b7 levskipg<\/a> \u00b7 Liam Gladdy<\/a> \u00b7 lifelightweb<\/a> \u00b7 Linkon Miyan<\/a> \u00b7 Linnea Huxford<\/a> \u00b7 liviopv<\/a> \u00b7 Louis Wolmarans<\/a> \u00b7 Lourens<\/a> \u00b7 Love Soni<\/a> \u00b7 Luigi Teschio<\/a> \u00b7 Luis Felipe Zaguini<\/a> \u00b7 luisherranz<\/a> \u00b7 lukasbesch<\/a> \u00b7 Luke Carbis<\/a> \u00b7 maciejmackowiak<\/a> \u00b7 Madhu Dollu<\/a> \u00b7 madpeter<\/a> \u00b7 Maggie Cabrera<\/a> \u00b7 Mahmudul Haque Nadim<\/a> \u00b7 Mai<\/a> \u00b7 Makarand G. Mane<\/a> \u00b7 manbo<\/a> \u00b7 Manesh Timilsina<\/a> \u00b7 Manuel Schmalstieg<\/a> \u00b7 Manzoor Wani (a11n)<\/a> \u00b7 María Anguas<\/a> \u00b7 Marc<\/a> \u00b7 Marc Armengou<\/a> \u00b7 Marcel Tannich<\/a> \u00b7 Marcelo de Moraes Serpa<\/a> \u00b7 Marcin Pietrzak<\/a> \u00b7 Marco Ciampini<\/a> \u00b7 Marco Pereirinha<\/a> \u00b7 marcwieland95<\/a> \u00b7 Marek \u017delezný<\/a> \u00b7 margolisj<\/a> \u00b7 Maria Yohana<\/a> \u00b7 Marie<\/a> \u00b7 Marin Atanasov<\/a> \u00b7 Mario Santos<\/a> \u00b7 Marius L. J.<\/a> \u00b7 mariushosting<\/a> \u00b7 Mark Howells-Mead<\/a> \u00b7 Mark Parnell<\/a> \u00b7 Mark-k<\/a> \u00b7 Marko Ivanovic<\/a> \u00b7 Martijn van der Klis<\/a> \u00b7 martin.krcho<\/a> \u00b7 marybaum<\/a> \u00b7 mat_<\/a> \u00b7 Matias Benedetto<\/a> \u00b7 Matias Ventura<\/a> \u00b7 Matt Mullenweg<\/a> \u00b7 Matt Robinson<\/a> \u00b7 Matt Sherman<\/a> \u00b7 Matteo Enna<\/a> \u00b7 Matthew Boynes<\/a> \u00b7 Matthew Riley MacPherson<\/a> \u00b7 Matthias Kittsteiner<\/a> \u00b7 mattraines<\/a> \u00b7 maurodf<\/a> \u00b7 Mayank Tripathi<\/a> \u00b7 Mayur Prajapati<\/a> \u00b7 mcrisp1972<\/a> \u00b7 Md Abul Bashar<\/a> \u00b7 Md Hossain Shohel<\/a> \u00b7 Md. Istiaq Hossain<\/a> \u00b7 mdviralsampat<\/a> \u00b7 megane9988<\/a> \u00b7 Mehedi Hassan<\/a> \u00b7 Mehul Kaklotar<\/a> \u00b7 Mel Choyce-Dwan<\/a> \u00b7 meteorlxy<\/a> \u00b7 Micha Krapp<\/a> \u00b7 Michael<\/a> \u00b7 Michael Beckwith<\/a> \u00b7 Michael Bourne<\/a> \u00b7 Michael James Ilett<\/a> \u00b7 michaelpick<\/a> \u00b7 Michal Czaplinski<\/a> \u00b7 Michelle Bulloch<\/a> \u00b7 Miguel Axcar<\/a> \u00b7 Miguel Fonseca<\/a> \u00b7 Miguel Lezama<\/a> \u00b7 Mikael Korpela<\/a> \u00b7 Mike McAlister<\/a> \u00b7 Mike Poland<\/a> \u00b7 Mike Ritter<\/a> \u00b7 mikeb8s<\/a> \u00b7 Mikey Binns<\/a> \u00b7 milamj<\/a> \u00b7 Milana Cap<\/a> \u00b7 miroku<\/a> \u00b7 Mitchell Austin<\/a> \u00b7 mklusak<\/a> \u00b7 mleathem<\/a> \u00b7 mlf20<\/a> \u00b7 Mobarak Ali<\/a> \u00b7 Mohit Dadhich<\/a> \u00b7 Morgan Estes<\/a> \u00b7 Moses Cursor Ssebunya<\/a> \u00b7 Mosne \/ Paolo Tesei<\/a> \u00b7 mossy2100<\/a> \u00b7 mreishus<\/a> \u00b7 Muhibul Haque<\/a> \u00b7 mujuonly<\/a> \u00b7 Mukesh Panchal<\/a> \u00b7 Mumtahina Faguni<\/a> \u00b7 n8finch<\/a> \u00b7 Nadir Seghir<\/a> \u00b7 Naeem Haque<\/a> \u00b7 Nagesh Pai<\/a> \u00b7 Narendra Sishodiya<\/a> \u00b7 Naresh Bheda<\/a> \u00b7 Nate Gay<\/a> \u00b7 Nazmul Hasan Robin<\/a> \u00b7 Nebojša Jur\u010di\u0107<\/a> \u00b7 nek285<\/a> \u00b7 nendeb<\/a> \u00b7 neo2k23<\/a> \u00b7 neotrope<\/a> \u00b7 Nicholas Garofalo<\/a> \u00b7 Nick Bohle<\/a> \u00b7 Nick Diego<\/a> \u00b7 Nick Halsey<\/a> \u00b7 Nick the Geek<\/a> \u00b7 Nicole Furlan<\/a> \u00b7 nidhidhandhukiya<\/a> \u00b7 Nihar Ranjan Das<\/a> \u00b7 Nik Tsekouras<\/a> \u00b7 Nikita Solanki<\/a> \u00b7 Niraj Giri<\/a> \u00b7 Nirav Sherasiya<\/a> \u00b7 Nithin John<\/a> \u00b7 Nithin SreeRaj<\/a> \u00b7 Noah Allen<\/a> \u00b7 Noruzzaman<\/a> \u00b7 nurielmeni<\/a> \u00b7 obliviousharmony<\/a> \u00b7 Olaf Lederer<\/a> \u00b7 Olga Gleckler<\/a> \u00b7 Oliver Campion<\/a> \u00b7 Olivier Lafleur<\/a> \u00b7 Omar Alshaker<\/a> \u00b7 Oscar Hugo Paz<\/a> \u00b7 p15h<\/a> \u00b7 Paal Joachim Romdahl<\/a> \u00b7 Pablo Hernández<\/a> \u00b7 Pablo Honey<\/a> \u00b7 Pamela Ribeiro<\/a> \u00b7 pander<\/a> \u00b7 Paolo L. Scala<\/a> \u00b7 Paragon Initiative Enterprises<\/a> \u00b7 Parin Panjari<\/a> \u00b7 Parth vataliya<\/a> \u00b7 Pascal Birchler<\/a> \u00b7 Pat O'Brien<\/a> \u00b7 Patricia BT<\/a> \u00b7 Patrick Lumumba<\/a> \u00b7 Paul Bearne<\/a> \u00b7 Paul Biron<\/a> \u00b7 Paul Kevan<\/a> \u00b7 Paul Schreiber<\/a> \u00b7 Paul Wilde<\/a> \u00b7 paulcline<\/a> \u00b7 paullb<\/a> \u00b7 Paulo Trentin<\/a> \u00b7 Pavan Patil<\/a> \u00b7 pcarvalho<\/a> \u00b7 Pedro Mendonça<\/a> \u00b7 perryrylance<\/a> \u00b7 Peter Rubin<\/a> \u00b7 Peter Wilson<\/a> \u00b7 petitphp<\/a> \u00b7 pevogam<\/a> \u00b7 Phi Phan<\/a> \u00b7 Phil Johnston<\/a> \u00b7 Philipp Bammes<\/a> \u00b7 philwebs<\/a> \u00b7 Pieterjan Deneys<\/a> \u00b7 Piotrek Boniu<\/a> \u00b7 Pitam Dey<\/a> \u00b7 Plamen Georgiev<\/a> \u00b7 Pooja N Muchandikar<\/a> \u00b7 pooja9712<\/a> \u00b7 porg<\/a> \u00b7 Praful Patel<\/a> \u00b7 Pranit Dugad<\/a> \u00b7 Pratik Kumar<\/a> \u00b7 Pratik Londhe<\/a> \u00b7 Presskopp<\/a> \u00b7 prettyboymp<\/a> \u00b7 prionkor<\/a> \u00b7 pwtyler<\/a> \u00b7 Rachel Baker<\/a> \u00b7 Rachel Winspear<\/a> \u00b7 Rafael Fischmann<\/a> \u00b7 Rafael Gallani<\/a> \u00b7 Rafiqul Islam<\/a> \u00b7 Rahmat Gumilar<\/a> \u00b7 rahulharpal<\/a> \u00b7 Raj Patel<\/a> \u00b7 Rajin Sharwar<\/a> \u00b7 Rajkumar Shashwata Halder<\/a> \u00b7 Ramon Ahnert<\/a> \u00b7 Ramon Corrales<\/a> \u00b7 ramon fincken<\/a> \u00b7 Ramon James<\/a> \u00b7 Ramswarup Rathod<\/a> \u00b7 Raul Martinez<\/a> \u00b7 Ravi Gadhiya<\/a> \u00b7 rcneil<\/a> \u00b7 realthemes<\/a> \u00b7 redkite<\/a> \u00b7 Rejaul Alom Khan<\/a> \u00b7 Renatho (a11n)<\/a> \u00b7 reputeinfosystems<\/a> \u00b7 retrofox<\/a> \u00b7 Riad Benguella<\/a> \u00b7 Rich Tabor<\/a> \u00b7 Rick Hellewell<\/a> \u00b7 Riddhi Patel<\/a> \u00b7 Rishav Dutta<\/a> \u00b7 Rishi Mehta<\/a> \u00b7 Rishi Shah<\/a> \u00b7 Rishit Gupta<\/a> \u00b7 rithik56<\/a> \u00b7 Robert Anderson<\/a> \u00b7 Robert Biswas<\/a> \u00b7 Robert Ghetau<\/a> \u00b7 robertstaddon<\/a> \u00b7 rocket.works - Dominik Friedrich<\/a> \u00b7 Rodel Calasagsag a11n<\/a> \u00b7 Rodrigo<\/a> \u00b7 Rodrigo Primo<\/a> \u00b7 Rohan Jha<\/a> \u00b7 rohitmathur7<\/a> \u00b7 room34<\/a> \u00b7 Rostislav Wolný<\/a> \u00b7 Roy Tanck<\/a> \u00b7 roygbyte<\/a> \u00b7 royho<\/a> \u00b7 rpf5573<\/a> \u00b7 rslee<\/a> \u00b7 Ruchir Goswami<\/a> \u00b7 Rufaro Madamombe<\/a> \u00b7 rvoigt<\/a> \u00b7 Ryan Boren<\/a> \u00b7 Ryan Leeson<\/a> \u00b7 Ryan Urban<\/a> \u00b7 Ryan Welcher<\/a> \u00b7 Ryo<\/a> \u00b7 S P Pramodh<\/a> \u00b7 Sébastien SERRE<\/a> \u00b7 Sérgio Gomes<\/a> \u00b7 Sören Wünsch<\/a> \u00b7 sadmansh<\/a> \u00b7 Saeed Piri<\/a> \u00b7 Sagar Tamang<\/a> \u00b7 sahiladit<\/a> \u00b7 sailpete<\/a> \u00b7 Sainath Poojary<\/a> \u00b7 Sakib Mohammed<\/a> \u00b7 Sam Toohey<\/a> \u00b7 samiamnot<\/a> \u00b7 Sampat Viral<\/a> \u00b7 Samuel Sidler<\/a> \u00b7 Samuel Silva<\/a> \u00b7 Sanne van der Meulen<\/a> \u00b7 Sarah Norris<\/a> \u00b7 sarahricker<\/a> \u00b7 Sarthak Nagoshe<\/a> \u00b7 Sathiya Venkatesan<\/a> \u00b7 Satish Prajapati<\/a> \u00b7 Saul Fougnier<\/a> \u00b7 Saulius Vikerta<\/a> \u00b7 Saxon Fletcher<\/a> \u00b7 Sayedul Sayem<\/a> \u00b7 scholdstrom<\/a> \u00b7 Scott Buscemi<\/a> \u00b7 Scott Kingsley Clark<\/a> \u00b7 Scott Reilly<\/a> \u00b7 Scott Taylor<\/a> \u00b7 scottculverhouse<\/a> \u00b7 seanavers<\/a> \u00b7 seanlanglands<\/a> \u00b7 Seif Radwane<\/a> \u00b7 Sergey<\/a> \u00b7 Sergey Biryukov<\/a> \u00b7 Serhiy Zakharchenko<\/a> \u00b7 Seth Rubenstein<\/a> \u00b7 Severine Pozzo<\/a> \u00b7 Shail Mehta<\/a> \u00b7 Shalin Shah<\/a> \u00b7 Shane Muirhead<\/a> \u00b7 Sharon Austin<\/a> \u00b7 SheulyShila<\/a> \u00b7 Shoe<\/a> \u00b7 Showrav Hasan<\/a> \u00b7 Shreya Agarwal<\/a> \u00b7 Shyam Kariya<\/a> \u00b7 Siddharth Thevaril<\/a> \u00b7 Silas Köhler<\/a> \u00b7 siliconforks<\/a> \u00b7 Simone Maranzana<\/a> \u00b7 Siobhan<\/a> \u00b7 SirLouen<\/a> \u00b7 smerriman<\/a> \u00b7 Sneha Patil<\/a> \u00b7 Sophie - a11n<\/a> \u00b7 Souptik Datta<\/a> \u00b7 Sourabh Jain<\/a> \u00b7 Sourav Pahwa<\/a> \u00b7 staurand<\/a> \u00b7 Stefano Minoia<\/a> \u00b7 stein2nd<\/a> \u00b7 Stephen Bernhardt<\/a> \u00b7 Steven Lin<\/a> \u00b7 Steven Thompson<\/a> \u00b7 stimul<\/a> \u00b7 Stoyan Georgiev<\/a> \u00b7 styleshit<\/a> \u00b7 Sudip Dadhaniya<\/a> \u00b7 Sukhendu Sekhar Guria<\/a> \u00b7 Sumit Bagthariya<\/a> \u00b7 Sumit Singh<\/a> \u00b7 Sunil Prajapati<\/a> \u00b7 Sunny<\/a> \u00b7 superchlorine<\/a> \u00b7 Sybre Waaijer<\/a> \u00b7 Syeda Fahima Jannath<\/a> \u00b7 Taco Verdonschot<\/a> \u00b7 Takahashi Fumiki<\/a> \u00b7 Takashi Irie<\/a> \u00b7 Tammie Lister<\/a> \u00b7 Tanbir Ahmod<\/a> \u00b7 Tanvirul Haque<\/a> \u00b7 Tapan Kumer Das<\/a> \u00b7 Taylor Gorman<\/a> \u00b7 tdrayson<\/a> \u00b7 thejaydip<\/a> \u00b7 thelmachido a11n<\/a> \u00b7 them.es<\/a> \u00b7 Thomas Kräftner<\/a> \u00b7 Thrijith Thankachan<\/a> \u00b7 TigriWeb<\/a> \u00b7 Tim W<\/a> \u00b7 Timi Wahalahti<\/a> \u00b7 Timothy Jacobs<\/a> \u00b7 Tirth Doshi<\/a> \u00b7 tmanoilov<\/a> \u00b7 toastercookie<\/a> \u00b7 Tobias Bäthge<\/a> \u00b7 tobifjellner (Tor-Bjorn “Tobi” Fjellner)<\/a> \u00b7 Tom Cafferkey<\/a> \u00b7 Tom de Visser<\/a> \u00b7 Tom J Nowell<\/a> \u00b7 Tomas Llobet-Arany<\/a> \u00b7 tomhine<\/a> \u00b7 Tonya Mork<\/a> \u00b7 Toro_Unit (Hiroshi Urabe)<\/a> \u00b7 Torsten Landsiedel<\/a> \u00b7 tropicalista<\/a> \u00b7 Troy Chaplin<\/a> \u00b7 Trupti Kanzariya<\/a> \u00b7 tunetheweb<\/a> \u00b7 twstokes<\/a> \u00b7 Ugyen Dorji<\/a> \u00b7 Umesh Gupta<\/a> \u00b7 Umesh Singh<\/a> \u00b7 up1512001<\/a> \u00b7 Uttam Kumar Dash<\/a> \u00b7 Valérie Galassi<\/a> \u00b7 Vania<\/a> \u00b7 Vertisoft<\/a> \u00b7 Vicente Canales<\/a> \u00b7 Vijaysinh Zala<\/a> \u00b7 Viktor Szépe<\/a> \u00b7 Vinit<\/a> \u00b7 Vipul Ghori<\/a> \u00b7 Vipul Gupta<\/a> \u00b7 Vipul Patil<\/a> \u00b7 Vishy Moghan<\/a> \u00b7 Vraja Das<\/a> \u00b7 Vrishabh Jasani<\/a> \u00b7 wbdv<\/a> \u00b7 WebMan Design | Oliver Juhas<\/a> \u00b7 webwurm<\/a> \u00b7 Wes Tatters<\/a> \u00b7 Weston Ruter<\/a> \u00b7 Will Skora<\/a> \u00b7 William Alexander<\/a> \u00b7 williampatton<\/a> \u00b7 wongjn<\/a> \u00b7 WPeople<\/a> \u00b7 wpnoman0<\/a> \u00b7 wpsoul<\/a> \u00b7 wzieba<\/a> \u00b7 xipasduarte<\/a> \u00b7 Yani<\/a> \u00b7 Yann<\/a> \u00b7 Yannis Guyon<\/a> \u00b7 Yogesh Bhutkar<\/a> \u00b7 YoWangdu<\/a> \u00b7 Yui<\/a> \u00b7 Yukinobu Asakawa<\/a> \u00b7 Yuvrajsinh Sisodiya<\/a> \u00b7 Zack Krida<\/a> \u00b7 zaoyao<\/a> \u00b7 Zargarov<\/a> \u00b7 zeelthakkar<\/a> \u00b7 zitaruksergij<\/a> \u00b7 Zunaid Amin<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n
More than 40 locales have fully translated<\/a> WordPress 6.7 into their language making this one of the most translated releases ever on day one. Community translators are working hard to ensure more translations are on their way. Thank you to everyone who helps make WordPress available in 200 languages.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Last but not least, thanks to the volunteers who contribute to the support forums<\/a> by answering questions from WordPress users worldwide.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Participation in WordPress goes far beyond coding, and learning more and getting involved is easy. Discover the teams that come together to Make WordPress<\/a> and use this interactive tool<\/a> to help you decide which is right for you.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"