The Post Author block displays the username of the post’s author. This block is primarily nested inside a query loop block and helps to customize the appearance of the query loop. This block is a part of the Post Author block but exists on its own for deeper customization.
You can insert this block elsewhere by clicking the Add block icon to open the block inserter pop-up window and search for the Post Author Name block. You can also type /Post Author name and hit enter in a new paragraph block to add one quickly.
Detailed instructions on adding blocks can be found here.
Block toolbar
Each block has its own toolbar, which contains unique controls that let you customize or configure the block. The Post Author block has the following options on its toolbar:
Transform to
If you click the Post Author icon on the toolbar, you’ll open the Transform to options to convert the block into Columns, Group, and Post Author Name blocks.

Block moving tools
The Drag button lets you drag and drop the Post Author block and reposition it anywhere on the editor, while the Move up and Move down buttons let you move the Post Author block up or down on the editor.

If the Post Author is inside a row block, the Move up and Move down buttons are replaced by the Move left and Move right buttons to move the Post Author block inside the row block.

More options
Details about More options can be found in this support article.
Block settings
Every block has specific options in the block settings panel. To open it, select the block and click the Settings button at the top-right section of the editor, or click the Options button on the block toolbar and select show more settings.
The settings section lets you choose whether to have the Post Author Name link to the same author’s archive with an option to toggle that on or off.

The Post Author Name block provides Color settings options to change the text, background, and link colors.
For details refer to this support article: Color settings overview.
The Post Author Name block provides typography settings to change the font family, appearance, line height, letter spacing, decoration, letter case, and font size.
For details refer to this support article: Typography settings overview.
The Post Author block provides dimension settings options to add padding and margin.
For details refer to this support article: Dimension settings overview.
The advanced section lets you add CSS classes to use a custom style for the selected Post Author Name block and to apply any changes globally when you’re in the Site Editor using a block theme.

- Created 2023-03-27